Annual Report 2020 • Frontiers USA

Annual Report

Fiscal Year July 2019 - June 2020
The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. — Colossians 1:6 (NIV)
boy in indonesia

As we reflect on the past year, we see countless reasons to celebrate.

God’s Word is going forth and transforming lives. The Gospel continues to bear fruit. Hundreds of people in Muslim communities have started following Jesus as Frontiers teams proclaim the Good News.

Health crises cannot stop the spread of the Gospel. Lockdowns and viruses can’t contain God’s Kingdom.

Throughout this year of disruption, God’s surpassing grace is evident. He has continued calling faithful men and women to go, make disciples, and start movements of faith in Christ among Muslims. On the field, He has blessed Frontiers teams with increasing fruitfulness as they share Christ’s love in word and deed with families living without the hope of the Good News.

Join in celebrating God’s faithfulness—and read on to see how your partnership with Frontiers is bearing fruit in hearts and homes throughout the Muslim world.

Su impacto

Through your steadfast partnership, Muslims are hearing the Good News.

Frontiers teams report that hundreds of men and women in Muslim communities started following Jesus last year.

Fewer Frontiers workers have been sent because of the pandemic. But the number of goers prepared and ready to go to the field is high. When travel restrictions lift, there will be a surge of new workers to the Muslim world—a great wave made possible by your partnership.

Your giving also supports Frontiers teams as they respond to crises on the ground and adapt their ministries to the lockdown. Many teams have launched digital outreaches. Others started projects to meet the urgent needs of more than 6,000 Muslim families that have lost livelihoods due to the pandemic.

God has blessed your giving, multiplied your impact, and created new opportunities for Frontiers teams to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom in the least-reached places!

Ciudad estratégica en el mundo musulmán

Sending Summary

Potential Goers

New potential goers
Meetings with potential goers
Conversations with potential goers
Solicitantes de larga duración

Church Partners

New church partnerships

Resumen de campo

Workers on the Field

A largo plazo obreros enviado este año
A largo plazo obreros sobre el terreno

Jefes de equipo (TL)

New TLs appointed, pre-field
Nombramiento de nuevos TL, sobre el terreno
Total de nuevas TL estadounidenses nombradas


Equipos dirigidos por Estados Unidos
Total Fronteras equipos
joven musulmán con ordenador portátil
Divulgación digital en tiempos de distanciamiento social
Descubra cómo los equipos de Fronteras están aprovechando las redes sociales y lanzando estrategias en línea para llegar a los musulmanes.
Read This Article →
Familia musulmana con una olla de arroz
Venga a nosotros el Reino de Dios: una historia desde el terreno
A través de la generosa provisión de Dios, un equipo de larga duración alimenta a 400 familias musulmanas y equipa a la iglesia local para llevar su alcance al siguiente nivel.
Read This Story →
un hombre ayudando a repartir comida
Alimentar a las familias hambrientas durante una pandemia
Conozca cómo los equipos de Fronteras de todo el mundo han atendido a las comunidades musulmanas más afectadas por la pandemia.
Read This Article →

Resumen financiero


Contribuciones para Reclutar, Formar, Enviar y Servir (Fondo para Misiones)
Otros ingresos
Gifts to Field Workers and Projects
Ingresos totales


Campo obrero Compensación
Gastos ministeriales
Campo obrero Servicios
Otros gastos de contratación, formación y envío
Gastos totales

Net Assets

With Donor Restrictions
Without Donor Restrictions
Activos fijos
Total Net Assets

Variación del activo neto

Variación total

Top Stories of the Year

Discover how we’ve seen God at work in Muslim communities over the past fiscal year.

Oración para el año que comienza


Praise God for continuing to call men and women to go and share the Gospel throughout the Muslim world. Ask Him to raise up a new generation of goers with a passionate pursuit to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom in the least-reached places. Pray for field workers’ health and financial support.


Ask God to open the minds and hearts of Muslims to hear the Gospel and to respond by putting their trust in Jesus. Thank the Lord for the growing number of emerging movements of faith in Christ in the Muslim world. Pray that new Bible studies will mature into thriving, multiplying fellowships of believers.


Praise the Lord for faithful churches partnering with Frontiers to send more workers and teams. Ask God to bless these churches with even greater fruitfulness as they send and serve their workers. Pray for singlemindedness and unity as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission among all Muslim peoples.

Vulnerable Populations

Ask the Lord to raise up the next generation of Gospel messengers to reach Muslim refugees, live among nomads, and serve urban poor communities. Pray for courageous workers who will glorify God by using their education and skills to address the burdens and injustices faced by millions of Muslim families.

Woman in green scarf by a brick wall

Thank You For Your Partnership

We give thanks to the Lord for you.

God is using your gifts and prayers to expand the reach of the Gospel to the distant corners of the Muslim world.

With every gift to the Mission Fund, you’re helping train and send new teams to bring Christ’s message to Muslim families in more than 50 countries.

Thank you for giving men, women, and children in the least-reached places a chance to hear the Good News and respond to the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Donate to Bring the Gospel to Muslims →

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