Annual Report 2021 • Frontiers USA

Annual Report

Fiscal Year July 2020 - June 2021
For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” — Acts 13:47

He Remains Faithful

God is at work in the Muslim world.

Though the worldwide pandemic continues, we rejoice that the borders of many countries have reopened, allowing travel to resume and enabling new workers to establish relationships and ministry in their host regions.

Frontiers teams currently serving on the field report that Muslim men and women are showing greater openness to the Gospel during this long period of fear and uncertainty.

Your partnership enables Frontiers to press into the ongoing work of sharing the Good News until there’s a thriving, multiplying community of disciples among every Muslim people group.

Celebrate God’s provision over the past year and read on for stories of His faithfulness.

Su impacto

In the past year, God has used your steadfast partnership to equip and send 68 long-term workers to Muslim communities—26 in the month of March alone! Even more are trained and ready to go to the field when border and travel restrictions allow.

Many Frontiers teams continue to adapt, using social media and other digital resources to build relationships and share the Gospel in their communities. As workers make disciples and help form Bible study groups, small fellowships of Muslim-background believers are beginning to multiply.

This progress is the fruit of your partnership. Your prayers and gifts are helping send more laborers to be witnesses for Christ in some of the least-reached places in the Muslim world.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations. — Matthew 24:14

Sending Summary

Potential Goers

Solicitantes de larga duración
New potential goers
Conversations with potential goers

Church Partners

New Church Partnerships

Resumen de campo

Workers on the Field

A largo plazo obreros enviado este año
A largo plazo obreros sobre el terreno


Equipos dirigidos por Estados Unidos
Total Fronteras equipos
a door in North Africa
From the Field: Standing at the Wrong Door
Farah was lost and afraid. But in the home of a Frontiers family, she found generous hospitality and eternal hope in Christ.
Read This Story →

Resumen financiero


Contribuciones para Reclutar, Formar, Enviar y Servir (Fondo para Misiones)
Otros ingresos
Gifts to Workers and Projects
Ingresos totales


Campo obrero Compensación
Gastos ministeriales
Campo obrero Servicios
Otros gastos de contratación, formación y envío
Gastos totales

Net Assets

With Donor Restrictions
Without Donor Restrictions
Activos fijos
Total Net Assets

Variación del activo neto

Variación total

Oración para el año que comienza


Pray that God would raise up the next generation of workers to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom in the least-reached places of the Muslim world. Praise the Lord for those who have answered His call on their lives to go. Ask God to bless workers and their families with good health, strong financial support, flourishing relationships, and fruitful ministry. Pray they find favor with government officials when applying for residency and visas.


As Frontiers workers are trained to share the Gospel and make disciples, unprecedented numbers of Muslims are meeting to study the Bible. Pray that new Bible studies will mature into thriving fellowships of believers. Pray for new churches to grow. Ask God to multiply movements to Christ in Muslim communities that have not yet seen a harvest.


Praise God for fruitful partnerships with dozens of American churches that have heard the call to help make disciples among Muslims. Pray that even more churches will respond by sending teams from their own congregations.


Conflict has displaced millions of Muslim families from their homelands. The majority now live in neighboring Muslim host countries—places where Frontiers teams are meeting their physical needs and sharing the Gospel. Praise God for the movements of faith taking place in refugee camps, and pray for fellowships of new believers to multiply.

Thank You For Your Partnership

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. — Philippians 1:3-6 (NIV)

Thank you for your prayers and support that help reach the distant corners of the Muslim world with the Gospel.

Your gift to the Mission Fund enables Frontiers to train and send new teams of workers to proclaim the Good News in the least-reached places—so that even more Muslim men and women will hear the call to follow Jesus.


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