Annual Report 2022 • Frontiers USA

Annual Report

Fiscal Year July 2021 - June 2022
"For nothing will be impossible with God.” — Luke 1:37

God of Wonders

The worldwide pandemic has become a normal part of life, but there is nothing ordinary about the power of God! Breakthroughs are happening in the Muslim world where none were thought possible. Men and women are showing openness to the Gospel and meaningful spiritual conversations are happening. Here’s what one worker in the Balkans region said:

I met a local villager and introduced myself and family as followers of Jesus. This gentleman asked really good questions like, “How do you worship God?” He was curious and wanted to learn more. What an honor to share Jesus with him.

In addition to language and culture acquisition, newly sent workers are establishing relationships and ministry in their host countries. As workers make disciples and help form Bible study groups, Muslim-background believers are growing in boldness as they reach out to others in their communities.

As Frontiers celebrates God’s faithfulness throughout four decades of ministry to Muslims, we rejoice and are grateful to be part of the work He’s doing. We’ve seen His power, provision, and sovereignty in every step of this 40-year journey.

Making a Connection

Social media and other digital resources continue to serve as a powerful tool for workers to build relationships and share the Gospel.

We recently heard about a Muslim woman in the Caucasus who was intrigued by a social media ad describing Jesus as the ultimate Sacrifice. She responded to the ad with her phone number, asking someone to call her. A local partner of the Frontiers team that was running the small-scale ad campaign was able to meet her in person and discuss Jesus. After several meetings, the woman decided she wanted Jesus to be her Lord and gave her life to Him!

Su impacto

In the past year, God has allowed Frontiers to equip and send 86 new long-term workers to Muslim communities! Even more are being assessed and trained in preparation to go to the field in the coming months.

Your prayers and financial support have helped mobilize, train, and launch more laborers to share the Good News in some of the least-reached places in the Muslim world.

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” — Isaiah 6:8

Sending Summary

Potential Goers

Solicitantes de larga duración
New potential goers
Conversations with potential goers

Church Partners

Active Church Partnerships

Resumen de campo

U.S.-Sent Workers on the Field

A largo plazo obreros enviado este año
A largo plazo obreros sobre el terreno


Equipos dirigidos por Estados Unidos
Total Fronteras equipos
Muslim woman smiling
From the Field: We Need to Tell These Stories
Wadha had heard many Bible passages. But when she read the Sermon on the Mount with a Frontiers field worker, her heart began to turn toward Jesus.
Read This Story →

Resumen financiero


Contribuciones para Reclutar, Formar, Enviar y Servir (Fondo para Misiones)
Other Income/(Loss)
Gifts to Workers and Projects
Ingresos totales


Campo obrero Compensación
Gastos ministeriales
Campo obrero Servicios
Otros gastos de contratación, formación y envío
Gastos totales

Net Assets

With Donor Restrictions
Without Donor Restrictions
Activos fijos
Total Net Assets

Variación del activo neto

Variación total

Prayer for the Future

God moves through the prayers of His people as we depend on Him in faith. Let’s pray together for the next 40 years of ministry to Muslims:


Pray that we would stay focused on fulfilling God’s calling upon us to send the next generation of laborers into the harvest among the least-reached Muslim peoples. Ask God to bless workers and their families who have already gone to the field with good health, strong financial support, flourishing relationships, and fruitful ministry.

Asociaciones eclesiásticas

Praise God for productive partnerships with hundreds of American churches who have heard the call to help make disciples among Muslims. Pray that existing partnerships will grow stronger and that even more churches will link arms with Frontiers to send teams from their own congregations.

Thank You For Your Partnership

Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. — Colossians 3:17

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that have helped bring the Gospel to Muslims who have yet to hear the Good News. Your gift to the Frontiers Mission Fund enables us to train and send new field workers to make disciples among Muslim people groups where Christ is not yet known.


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