A Daughter’s Courage Turns Anger to Joy • Frontiers USA

A Daughter’s Courage Turns Anger to Joy

Discover how a young woman’s witness helped transform her mother’s angry tirades into evident joy in Jesus.
September 14, 2020 By Frontiers USA
Mother and daughter in Africa

I sat on the floor of the bare room with Aida, the mother of my friend Reema, a Muslim-background believer. As we chatted together, our conversation turned to the coronavirus.

“It’s in God’s hands,” Aida said with resignation. “He will do what He wants.”

But then she brightened, as if hearing her own words reminded her of something.

“I believe in God, and I trust God,” she said. “And now I believe in and trust Jesus too! Reema has told me so many stories about Him lately. Jesus did so many wonderful things!”

”He healed so many people. He even brought dead people back to life!”

Aida listed all the things she was discovering about Jesus. She shared that He taught people to love their enemies—an extremely novel concept in a culture preoccupied with honor and revenge.

“He healed so many people,” Aida carried on. “He even brought dead people back to life! And then He died and came back Himself too. I love hearing about Him and telling others about Him!”

Her words shocked me. This was a woman who used to launch into angry tirades whenever she saw her daughter Reema reading the Bible.

“Why do you waste your time with that?” she would yell at her daughter. “The teachings in that book are outside our religion. They’re worthless. I’ll throw the book away if you don’t stop reading it now!”

At one point, Reema confided to me that she was afraid she’d never be able to openly read the Word at home because of her mother’s harassment. Together we prayed for Aida, and I encouraged Reema to keep sharing about Jesus.

Aida’s transformation is nothing short of miraculous.

Now, Aida sat before me with evident joy on her face, praising Jesus and listing all the people she’d been telling about Him. She had even started praying in Jesus’ name and had seen God answer some of those prayers. Aida’s transformation is nothing short of miraculous.

Praise God for her daughter’s courage to share the Word within their home. Through Reema’s faithfulness—and through the power of God that transforms hearts—Aida is embracing Jesus and growing in faith every day.

Our small part in this has been one of prayer while encouraging Reema’s faith and equipping her to share the Word. Thank the Lord with us for what He is doing through these small seeds faithfully sown.

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