Answers from Heaven • Frontiers USA

Answers from Heaven

When a Frontiers field couple prays about a nanny to care for their daughter, they receive an unexpected and delightful answer.
April 15 By Frontiers USA
Middle Eastern woman smiling

I gently laid my daughter in her crib before tiptoeing out of the nursery and into the living room, where I sank onto the sofa beside my husband. We usually went to bed shortly after our daughter, but we had an appointment at a nanny agency in the morning. We needed the time together to pray.

We’d been so blessed to have extended family care for our sweet little Celeste, who had arrived shortly after we moved to the Middle East. But eventually they had to return to the United States.

My husband and I had agreed that we needed help so that we could continue the ministry and language learning we’d already begun in our new country. But we both worried about finding someone we could trust to care for our daughter.

As we prayed for a solution, I stared at the rug. I was afraid I’d fall asleep if I closed my eyes. “Lord, would you guide us to the right person?”

My uneasiness melted away, and I began to sense the Lord at work.

The next day, my husband and I visited the nanny agency. We were taken into a small room full of women, all lined up to meet us. It was a normal process in this part of the world, but I’d never felt quite so awkward.

I fumbled through introductions, my discomfort rising as I quickly made my way through the line. Eventually, I reached a woman named Jannah.

She smiled. “It means heaven.”

“Really?” My uneasiness melted away, and I began to sense the Lord at work. “My daughter’s name is Celeste. It also means heaven.” When I was pregnant, we were guided to this name, and we hoped it would serve as a lifelong reminder to keep her focus on Christ and her eternal home.

I wondered if the meaning had similar significance for Jannah. “Tell me about yourself.”

We were Jannah’s answer to prayer, and she was ours.

At first, she described her experience caring for children. Then, with a gentle smile, she identified herself as a believer. “I’ve been praying for the chance to work for a Christian family.”

I could hardly believe it! Yet, I shouldn’t have been surprised. God always proved Himself faithful in the big things and the little.

We were Jannah’s answer to prayer, and she was ours.

We hired Jannah, and since she moved in, our lives have changed significantly. Her loving care of Celeste has enabled my husband and me to not only survive our first year of parenting but thrive.

Jannah has given us margin, rest, and the ability to serve the Lord in the work that He has called us to. In the past few months, we have been able to engage more with our local community and build relationships, which we pray will also build God’s Kingdom.

The Lord brought us to the Middle East. He gave us Celeste and connected us with Jannah. And I am certain He is orchestrating even more divine appointments for the future.


  • Praise God for caring about the big and small things in the lives of His people.
  • Lift up families on the field as they balance caring for both their children and communities.
  • Pray that Frontiers field workers will continue to connect with Muslim-background believers and find open doors for more ministry opportunities.
Seguir leyendo

Lo que parecía un mal día para este campo obrero acabó siendo una oportunidad para construir comunidad con vecinos musulmanes.


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