The Boldness of a Son • Frontiers USA

The Boldness of a Son

When sharing the Gospel doesn’t go as planned, Uday asks a Frontiers field worker for help.
April 8 By Frontiers USA
Young Arab man on the street

Three years ago, Uday left Islam. Disillusioned with the Muslim faith he’d grown up in but uncertain what to believe, he chose to become an atheist. A few years after that, he discovered some online videos about Jesus and began seeking the truth. Then he put his trust in Christ.

Uday had kept his relationship with Jesus mostly to himself until he met Tyler, a Frontiers worker. The more they studied the Injil together, the more Uday realized he needed to tell others of the forgiveness and peace that Jesus offered.

“I’m nervous about telling my family,” he confessed one day to Tyler. “Several of them are leaders in the Muslim community, and I don’t think they will understand. But Jesus is too good to keep to myself.”

Tyler nodded in understanding. “Let’s pray that they will hear the truth and accept it.”

They refused to listen, only getting angrier.

A few days after he and Tyler had prayed together, Uday knocked on the door to his father’s house. His stomach was in excited knots even as his mother opened the door and pulled him inside. She immediately began chattering about his extended family who were also there for dinner.

The meal smelled delicious, though Uday couldn’t eat more than a few bites. His stomach was too filled with nerves. But he asked the Lord to give him the words to tell his family about Jesus Christ.

Finally, there was a pause in the conversation around the table. Taking a deep breath, Uday said, “I’ve been reading the Injil with a friend.”

His mother’s face filled with surprise, and his uncle—a leader at the mosque—grabbed his chest before demanding, “Why?”

“I always felt like just a servant of God. But since I began studying the Bible, I realized I’m His son.”

Suddenly his father slammed his hand to the table, rattling the dishes and silencing everyone else. “Do not say such things in my house!”

Uday tried to explain that God wanted that kind of relationship with them too, but they refused to listen, only getting angrier. Finally, his father yelled at him to leave.

“It sounds like you spoke the truth with boldness. No matter how your mom and dad reacted, I know the Father is proud of you.”

As Uday left the house, he let the door shut on his family’s raised voices.

What a mess. He’d tried to tell them the truth but had only succeeded in putting distance between him and his family. With a sigh he began to trudge toward his own apartment but decided to take a different route than usual, past Tyler’s apartment.

When he spotted Tyler sitting on the front steps of his building, Uday waved.

Tyler greeted him with a hug. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a big family dinner tonight.”

“I did.” Uday shrugged.

Tyler motioned to the stoop, and they sat down. “I’m guessing it didn’t go well.”

Uday sighed. “It didn’t. I told my family about Jesus. All of them.”

He squeezed the bridge of his nose. “I was excited to share what we’ve been studying in God’s Word, but my family turned angry. My father yelled at me to leave. Did I make a mistake?”

Tyler shook his head. “It sounds like you spoke the truth with boldness. No matter how your mom and dad reacted, I know the Father is proud of you. So am I.”

Jesus provided the peace and assurance that Islam never could.

Uday considered his friend’s words and nodded, recognizing the truth in them. He didn’t have to be accepted by his family to be accepted by God. He was already accepted because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

Jesus provided the peace and assurance that Islam never could. There was a reason Tyler called the Gospel the Good News. It was too good for Uday to keep quiet about.

“I’m going to share with my family again,” he declared, more determined than ever. “Will you pray that I’ll have another opportunity?”

Tyler grinned. “Let’s pray right now.”


  • Praise God for new Muslim-background believers like Uday, who are boldly sharing the Gospel with their families.
  • Pray that God will use Muslim-background believers to fulfill the Great Commission and start disciple-making movements.
  • Pray that Islamic religious leaders will encounter the Truth and turn to Jesus.
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Un creyente de origen musulmán invita a sus vecinos -e incluso a los imanes- a deleitarse con la verdad del Evangelio.


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