The Business Handbook • Frontiers USA

Manual de empresa

Una reunión de negocios improvisada se convierte en una oportunidad para que Munir obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas sobre Jesús.
January 23, 2023 By Frontiers USA
Sonriente hombre de negocios sudasiático

The grind of machinery and rumble of voices swirled around Munir as he rapped on the door of the factory office. It opened, and Munir was greeted by a smiling American man.

Munir smiled back and introduced himself. “I’m visiting my brother, who owns the textile factory next door.”

“Oh yes, we know Sabal well!” The American welcomed him into the office. He shut the door, dulling the sounds of work from the factory floor. “I’m Cameron. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I just had some business questions. I’m not in the same industry as you, but I have heard good things about the way this factory is run.”

“The Injil? As a business handbook?” Munir raised an eyebrow. “How does that work?”

Cameron smiled. “We have a good handbook. The best, really. The Injil.

“The Injil? As a business handbook?” Munir raised an eyebrow. “How does that work?”

Cameron grinned. “Well, it teaches business owners how to respect their employees, vendors, and customers. Following its principles helps build excellent relationships.”

Munir was already familiar with Jesus and the Injil. His first boss had been a Hindu before deciding to follow Jesus.  His business ethics embodied the principles Cameron claimed came from the book, and he had tried to explain the message of Jesus to Munir. But the religious vocabulary he used, rooted in Hindu tradition, didn’t sound sacred to Munir.

Maybe he would finally get some answers regarding a spiritual experience he’d had years before.

Munir leaned forward, asking question after question. Cameron shared the core message of the Injil, explaining how Jesus invites everyone to place their trust in Him for forgiveness of sin and eternal life.

All the things his former boss had said, spoken by Cameron in terms a Muslim could understand, now made sense to Munir. But he wasn’t convinced it was true.

“Is following Jesus something you might be interested in?” Cameron asked.

Munir shook his head. “Some people might tell you ‘yes’ just to make you happy. I’m not ready to say ‘yes,’ but I’d like to hear more.”

“That’s great,” Cameron answered. “Well, you’re here on the right day. A group of us study the Injil every Thursday at my home. Would you like to come?”

That evening, Munir arrived at Cameron’s house with even more questions about Jesus.

“Yes, I’ll be there.” Munir walked with Cameron to the door. He paused and laughed. “I didn’t ask all my business questions today, so maybe we can connect again later to talk about that?”

“Of course,” Cameron agreed.

Maybe he would finally get some answers regarding a spiritual experience he’d had years before. While working for his previous boss, one of Munir’s duties was to sweep the room within the business’s building where a church met each week. One day, he had a heavenly experience, suddenly feeling weightless, as if someone else was moving his hand and broom. His spirit seemed to be lifted to heaven for a moment, and joy flooded his heart. He couldn’t stop smiling for half an hour.

Ever since that day, he wondered about his experience and knew it had to be connected to Jesus, who was worshipped in that room.

That evening, Munir arrived at Cameron’s house with even more questions about Jesus. He sat up with Cameron until 11 that night, talking about Jesus long after everyone else had gone. Before he left, he downloaded an app with audio so he could listen to the Injil.

There was power in praying in Jesus’ name.

“Can I pray for you before you go?” Cameron asked.

“Please pray for my youngest child,” Munir answered. “She is very sick with a high fever.”

When Munir got back to his brother’s house, he checked his text messages to see if his wife had sent any updates on his daughter’s fever. His jaw dropped. At 11 p.m., his wife had sent a message to say that the fever had vanished. It could not be a coincidence. There was power in praying in Jesus’ name.

The next morning, Munir hurried to Cameron’s factory as soon as it opened. He tapped on the office door and entered when Cameron opened it.

“I wanted to finally ask you my business questions,” he said. “But more importantly, you need to know that my child was healed as soon as you prayed.”

“That’s wonderful!” Cameron exclaimed.

“I’m returning home tomorrow, but I’ll keep listening to the Injil.” Munir said. “I need to know everything I can about Jesus.”


  • Pray for Munir to keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking, and for him to invite Jesus to come in.
  • Praise God for giving Munir encounters with His power and love.
  • Ask God to give field workers constant opportunities to share the Good News about Jesus through their places of work.
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Conectar con este grupo étnico de Asia Central parecía imposible. Entonces Dios proporcionó una manera inesperada para que un campo Fronteras obrero compartiera a Jesús con los no alcanzados.


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Este relato procede de un veterano obrero. Los nombres y lugares han sido modificados por motivos de seguridad.