How a Church Is Reaching an Entire Nation • Frontiers USA

How a Church Is Reaching an Entire Nation

Discover how a congregation in the U.S. is helping hundreds of Muslims discover Jesus Christ.
June 7, 2021 By Katie Beck
man on a train

“I’m sent to plant churches—and called to be a movement starter,” says David, a Frontiers worker on a church-based team.

David’s church sent his team to make disciples among Muslims. The team had been sharing Jesus in a large South Asian city for several years, but they weren’t seeing hearts open to the Gospel.

With the help of Frontiers’ on-the-field training, the team shifted their strategy. Instead of focusing on winning one heart at a time, they began dreaming about how to reach the entire region for Christ.

First, they started raising up more prayer. They rallied their sending church and supporters to join in concentrated prayer for Muslims. Not long after, God responded by miraculously healing Kareema, a young Muslim mother.

They began dreaming about how to reach the entire region for Christ.

Years earlier, Kareema and her husband, Rafi, had lost their first baby. Now in her third trimester with their second child, Kareema started bleeding. But their family refused to help. “Your baby is just going to die,” they said. “Why would we give you our savings?”

Remembering how David often prayed for them in Jesus’ name, Rafi and Kareema asked him to pray for their baby. David’s team got their supporters and entire church to join in. When the child was born healthy weeks later, the whole family recognized it as a miracle.

“You prayed in Jesus’ name,” Rafi and Kareema told David. “Tell us more about Him.”

“If what we’ve read is true, who will you share it with?”

They started studying the Bible together. And at the end of each meeting, David asked, “If what we’ve read is true, who will you share it with?”

Soon, Rafi and Kareema were introducing groups of friends and family to God’s truth. Those groups multiplied as people shared lessons from the Word with others.

Today more than one hundred Bible studies are meeting, and there’s no sign of letting up. Hundreds of Muslim-background men and women are reading the Word and discovering Christ.

“Now that this truth has come into our lives, it can never be removed,” says one new believer. “Everyone needs to know this Good News!”

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