Diverse Leadership in an Emerging Movement of Faith • Frontiers USA

Diverse Leadership in an Emerging Movement of Faith

With training from Frontiers workers, a Muslim-background believer is helping a diverse community of men and women find their role in God's Kingdom.
Por Fronteras USA
gathering of Muslim men

A couple of years ago, a Muslim-background believer named Tahir traveled to a neighboring country for a discipleship training program hosted by Andre and Joyce, a Frontiers couple.

Before the training, Tahir had started several Bible studies. They had since multiplied into 10 house churches. Over 50 new believers were gathering regularly for fellowship, worship, and Bible study.

Since then, Tahir has been applying the tools he gained in Andre and Joyce’s training. As a result, his network now has 80 churches and almost 300 Muslim-background believers.

Recently Tahir traveled to Andre and Joyce’s country again for 10 more days of training. He brought with him almost a dozen Muslim-background men and women leading house churches. The purpose: to equip them to develop new leaders for the emerging movement of faith in Christ.

His network now has 80 churches and almost 300 Muslim-background believers.

One of Tahir’s priorities for spreading the Good News is reaching women. He cares deeply about equipping women and wants to prepare more of them to serve as house church leaders.

Tahir is also passionate about crossing ethnic boundaries with the Gospel. He’s committed to sharing Jesus with other tribes—even with those his people consider enemies. His network of churches includes people from eight different tribes.

In fact, each leader who came to Andre and Joyce’s training represents an unreached Muslim people group. Two of the believers are from a tribe that is almost entirely unreached by the Gospel.

  • Thank the Lord for diverse leadership in this emerging movement of faith.
  • Praise God for using Andre and Joyce to equip Muslim-background believers as they grow the church and spread the Gospel.
  • Pray for these men and women to continue meeting together in small groups to grow in their ministries and raise up new leaders.
  • Pray that followers of Jesus will have their minds and hearts renewed as they study the Word and share it with others.
  • Ask the Lord for a movement of faith in Christ to spread across this region and transform entire tribes and nations.
Nota del editor

Este relato procede de un antiguo obrero. Los nombres se han cambiado por seguridad.

Foto principal de Steve Evans