Double Healing • Frontiers USA

Double Healing

A Frontiers field worker witnesses the Lord’s power when she asks Him to rescue a Muslim stranger in Jesus’ name and then receives her own healing.
May 6 By Frontiers USA
Elderly Muslim woman

The streets bustled with men on their way home from work and women with covered heads tugging toddlers by the hand. I strolled down the block, enjoying the sounds of my host city.

Suddenly I noticed a commotion across the street. A crowd had formed around an elderly woman who had collapsed on the ground. By the time I got closer, someone had helped her into a plastic chair, and another supported her head.

The crowd shrieked when the woman’s eyes rolled back though remained open. Then she vomited blood.

In our part of the world, it’s not unusual to see spiritual oppression manifested in physical suffering. But the scene still shocked me. I silently asked God what I should do and felt I needed to pray for her.

I gave her a warm smile, but as I stepped away, I stifled a cry because the skin on my hand was now covered in an angry rash.

The other onlookers gawked as I put my hand on the sick woman’s shoulder. Despite their stares, I asked for peace and healing in Jesus’ name, and proclaimed His authority over evil.

Suddenly the old woman gasped, then began to breathe normally. Although she was still too weak to speak, her tears of relief conveyed volumes.

I gave her a warm smile, but as I stepped away, I stifled a cry because the skin on my hand was now covered in an angry rash.

I hurried home and did my best to care for the mysterious outbreak, but it only got worse. Over the next week, the painful blisters spread from my hand to my entire body.

Unable to do my normal activities, I cried out to God and spent more time with Him. Still, the sores persisted.

Before my eyes, the blisters healed.

When I called my Frontiers team to share my discouragement, one of them suggested I take communion.  “Proclaim Christ’s victory over everything.”

Later that night, alone in my room, I celebrated Jesus’ authority as I ate and drank in remembrance of His ultimate sacrifice and triumph.

When I looked down at my arms, the rash had already begun to fade! I hurried to a mirror, as the pain that had plagued me for days began to ease. Before my eyes, the blisters healed.

Jesus had released that elderly woman from oppression and healed me from the rash! I couldn’t wait to share my story with my Muslim neighbors so that they too could know that He has all power and authority.


  • Ask God to use the elderly Muslim woman’s experience to draw her to Him.
  • Pray that Muslims who witness miracles will seek the truth about Jesus and discover the power of His name.
  • Praise God for His authority over all things.
Seguir leyendo

In the wake of ethnic violence, God used one man’s miraculous healing to restore peace between enemy villages.


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