Turning a Father's Heart to His Child • Frontiers USA

Turning a Father’s Heart to His Child

When Layla became a follower of Jesus, her father rejected her. Then God used a field worker's prayer to bring about a miracle of restoration.
June 21, 2021 By Katie Beck
mature man in a white cap

The last time Layla saw her father, he kicked her out of the home and physically threatened her. He told her that he wouldn’t welcome any person—not even his own daughter—who turned from Islam to follow Jesus.

But Layla, a young Muslim-background believer, continued following Christ. She married another local Jesus follower. Together they shared openly about their love for Christ.

When they had their first baby, Layla’s mother and siblings pleaded with her father to change his mind and welcome her back home. Still, he refused to see Layla and her child.

He wouldn’t welcome any person—not even his own daughter—who turned from Islam.

Layla meets regularly to pray with Molly, a long-term Frontiers worker. One day she told Molly about a dream in which her father came to visit her in her home. In her dream, her father gave her a big hug. Layla had never once experienced such demonstrations of love from her father. She woke up filled with warmth and love and thanked God for giving her the gift of this dream.

“It was such a loving thing for God to do for me, because I don’t get to experience that fatherly love in real life,” Layla told Molly. The two women then thanked God for showing Layla His tender love , and Molly prayed for her father to be willing to reconcile.

He embraced her in a hug, just as it had happened in the dream.

Two days later, Layla’s father sent word that he wanted to forgive her and welcome her back home. He also asked her to bring his grandchild and son-in-law so he could meet her family. 

Layla was beside herself with joy. The next weekend when she arrived at her parents’ home for the first time in years, her father ran outside to greet her with a smile. He embraced her in a hug, just as it had happened in the dream.

Praise God for this miracle, and pray that this reconciliation opens the door for Layla’s entire family to know and follow Jesus Christ.

“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.” — Malachi 4:6

  • Thank God for softening the heart of Layla’s father, and pray he will receive the Good News of the Gospel.
  • Pray for Muslim families to welcome their believing family members and to be open to hearing about Christ.
  • Ask the Lord to sustain believers who have been rejected by their families. Pray they will know they’ve been adopted by the Father and have a place in His Kingdom.
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After two decades of seeking after Christ, Uday decided to be baptized. Read his story and how God is transforming whole families as Frontiers workers introduce them to Christ.


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