Choosing the Path of Great Risk • Frontiers USA

Choosing the Path of Great Risk

The more Layla learned about Jesus, the more vocal she became about Islam’s shortcomings.
June 1, 2020 By Frontiers USA
Muslim woman looking into the distance

Casey, a Frontiers worker, knew little about Layla. They both came for coffee occasionally at a mutual friend’s weekly social hour.

But what Casey did know was that Layla loved to stir up controversy. Every time Layla attended the social gathering, she seemed to enjoy provoking her Muslim friends and goaded them with divisive statements about religion.

“I’ve been reading Christian theology,” Casey heard Layla say once. “And I’ve discovered that their religion has forgiveness, unlike ours.” The other Muslim women objected loudly and forced the conversation to change.

Another time Layla said, “I think the Quran has been corrupted.”

Immediately the offended hostess, a devout Muslim woman, escorted Layla to the door with kicks to the rear and blows to the back.

“I’ve been reading Christian theology, and I’ve discovered that their religion has forgiveness, unlike ours.”

Casey wondered if Layla’s provocative comments came from a sense of disillusionment with Islam. But whenever she tried to share passages of Scripture with her or tell her about Jesus, Layla didn’t seem interested.

Then one day at their friend’s social hour, Layla took Casey’s arm and pulled her aside.

“I’ve been reading the Bible,” Layla whispered. “And now I’m sure that the Quran is corrupt and that the Bible is true.”

Layla glanced around the room, saw the other Muslim women staring at them, and stopped talking.

“Why don’t you come to visit me,” Casey suggested quietly. Layla nodded and agreed to drop by a couple of days later.

“Now I’m sure that the Quran is corrupt and that the Bible is true.”

On the appointed day, Layla sat in Casey’s quiet living room and shared that she’d been reading everything she could find about Jesus online. But living in a restricted country meant she hadn’t been able to get a full Bible.

Casey helped Layla find and download onto her phone a special app with the entire Bible in her own language. She also gave Layla a digital file with a movie about Jesus to watch on her phone.

As they continued talking, Layla said, “I want to follow Jesus. But I could be killed for taking this path.” Turning to Christ would involve great risk—even death.

Please join in praying that Layla will keep pursuing the truth and come to understand the surpassing worth of knowing Christ (Philippians 3:8).

  • Praise God for Layla’s desire to know and follow Jesus, and pray that she will continue to meet with Casey to read God’s Word.
  • Pray for the Spirit to transform Layla’s provocative speech into a sweet testimony that draws other Muslims to Christ.
  • Ask God to bring new laborers into this conservative country to introduce more Muslims to the truth of the Gospel.
Seguir leyendo
For eight years, Muslim-background believer Najla didn’t know how to move forward in her faith. Then she met a Frontiers field worker.


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