Protests Spark a Movement of Faith • Frontiers USA

Protests Spark a Movement of Faith

Al ver el caos que reina en su barrio, un creyente de origen musulmán se siente impulsado a compartir la esperanza de Cristo con las familias más necesitadas.
July 11, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Smiling man in South Asia

The neighborhood feud had been simmering for years.

No one knows what caused the violence to flare up, but suddenly chaos erupted. Hundreds of men and women started to protest. Then people on both sides began attacking each other with rocks, sticks, and guns.

City authorities tried to bring order by telling everyone to stay in their homes. A curfew was imposed, and the neighborhood was put on lockdown. No one was allowed into the area, and no one went out.

Still, people from opposite sides of the feud continued to confront each other on the streets, compromising the fragile peace.

Driven to share Christ, he made his way through the streets.

Javed, a follower of Jesus discipled by a Frontiers worker, lived in the neighborhood. He knew that his neighbors were hurting and in need of the Gospel of peace. Driven to share Christ, he made his way through the streets, dodging protesters and police officers.

Soon Javed found himself at the back entrance of a huge open-air compound. Several large extended families were living in the shared space.

Javed stepped into the central courtyard and introduced himself to a small group of Muslim men.

“I have good news that you have no idea about,” he announced. As he shared the message of Christ, more men joined the group. Soon he was surrounded by about 30 people.

Men crowded around as he shared his testimony and showed them a film about Jesus.

When he finished speaking, several men asked to hear more. Javed promised to return again soon.

A few days later he ventured back to the compound. Men crowded around as he shared his testimony and showed them a film about Jesus.

Then Javed asked if anyone wanted to study the Bible with him. Over a dozen men agreed, and they made plans to start meeting to learn about Jesus together.

More than 50 Muslim families in the village have responded with interest in the Gospel.

As the lockdown carried on, Javed continued going to the compound to study with the men and equip them to share the Gospel with their families.

After a couple of weeks, two families in the compound committed to follow Jesus.

Then these families of new believers moved out of the city and away from the protests to live in a nearby village. Javed knew a follower of Jesus in the village—a chai shop owner named Hakim.

Javed had been mentoring Hakim and helping him mature as a disciple of Christ. Hakim agreed to help the two families grow in their faith too. With Hakim’s encouragement, the family members began to testify about Jesus with bold confidence.

As a result of their witness, more than 50 Muslim families in the village have responded with interest in the Gospel. They’ve been studying about Jesus in the Bible together and are growing in love for Christ.

  • Praise God for faithful believers like Javed who are unafraid to share the Good News in times of uncertainty.
  • Pray that this fledgling network of Muslim-background believers will grow into a movement of faith in Jesus Christ that spreads throughout the region.
  • Ask the Lord to raise up more laborers who will go, make disciples among Muslims, and share the Gospel with boldness.
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