The Reason for the Season • Frontiers USA

The Reason for the Season

As a new Frontiers worker struggles with homesickness during his first Christmas on the field, God reminds him what the season is all about.
December 23 By Frontiers USA
Arab man smiling

As I made my way across town, I took in every sight, sound, and smell. I’d lived in my host country for a couple of months and still marveled at my surroundings.

From intricate architectural designs to foreign scents, there was always something new to discover. This day, however, I was struck by unexpected familiarity. Sparkly lights swooped across storefronts while images of pine trees decorated store windows.

My host country had brought in some of the trimmings of Western Christmas because of the expatriates living there. But it didn’t feel the same.

My Frontiers teammates had warned me that homesickness hit hardest in December. They were right. These little reminders of home made me miss my family more than ever.

I rejoiced.

When I arrived at my destination—the café where my team leader Craig and a Muslim friend were meeting to study the Word—I saw Craig sitting at a corner table. He quickly gave me an overview of the lesson, and I spent a few minutes trying to translate it from the local language to keep my mind off home.

Then Nazih joined us. Nazih had been studying God’s Word with Craig since before I came to the city. After taking over as his tutor at the English center where Craig and I both worked, Nazih and I quickly became friends.

“Hello again.” He greeted us both with a kiss on the cheek and shared a bit about his day. After a few minutes of small talk, we continued our study on biblical sacrifice.

When the lesson ended Craig asked his usual question. “If what we learned is true, how should we respond?”

Nazih straightened. “I’m going to follow Jesus. I finally understand that He was the ultimate sacrifice. He is the only way to salvation.”

A wide smile spread across Craig’s face, and soon they were talking too fast in the local language for me to keep up. Though I couldn’t understand the exact words, I rejoiced that my friend was making a beautiful decision to follow Christ.

One day all peoples will share in the joy of Jesus.

As the new guy in the group, my joy was only a fraction of what they were experiencing, but it was the perfect Christmas present—a timely reminder that God had called me to be in exactly this place to share about His Good News.

Family recipes, holiday traditions, and even time spent with loved ones aren’t what Christmas is all about. The reason for the season is Immanuel—God with us. Yet, millions of Muslims don’t know that Jesus came to the earth to be with us. He died on the cross to make a way for us to have a right relationship with the Father.

I can think of no better way to spend this Christmas season than sharing that truth where it is not yet known, confident that one day all peoples will share in the joy of Jesus.


  • Praise God for sending His Son to be Immanuel—God with us! Ask Him to reveal that truth to Muslim men and women around the world.
  • Lift up field workers experiencing homesickness and ask God to comfort them with His presence during the holidays and all year long.
  • Pray that believers around the world will remember the joy of Jesus in every season.
Seguir leyendo

Un nuevo interno de Fronteras empieza a entender cómo es Dios obrando a través de los retos de adaptarse a la vida sobre el terreno.


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