Whether speaking with someone from around the world or across the street, starting conversations about spiritual things can be difficult. It’s not always easy to know where to begin or how to share—sometimes with virtual strangers.
As part of their training, Frontiers field workers practice sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ long before they leave home. A single line can open the door to deep conversations and needed spiritual truths with people they’ve just met and long-time friends.
Frontiers provides tools like Spiritual Conversation Starters to help anyone look for opportunities to testify to what Jesus has done.
Below are some ways you, too, can turn conversations toward finding hope in Christ.
- Even though your situation sounds difficult, I believe there is hope with Jesus.
- The challenges of life make me rely more on God.
- Children are a blessing, especially because they make me lean more on God.
- Even when I’m going through a hard situation, I know God will never leave me.
- The world feels so out of control sometimes, but I know that God is the One in control of everything.
- I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’m praying that God will show me how to get through this situation.
- It sounds like you’re carrying a heavy load right now. Jesus said that we can leave our burdens with Him.
- Having more money never really satisfies me. I find true joy only in Jesus.
- Any human leader can disappoint us at times, but followers of Jesus believe that there is a better Kingdom coming.
- I really miss (a friend who’s no longer in your life), but I know that Jesus will always be with me.
- I believe that we can be sure about where we go after we die. What do you believe?
Find more ways to start spiritual conversations here.
A conversation with a taxi driver leads one Frontiers field worker to a life-altering experience, but not the one he’d hoped for.