The Power of Christ in a Timid Heart • Frontiers USA

The Power of Christ in a Timid Heart

Puede que Sameen sea callada. Pero no tiene miedo de hablar a los demás de Jesús.
July 8, 2020 By Frontiers USA
Young smiling woman in a hijab

My Muslim-background friend Sameen was recently baptized into new life in Christ. She’s a bit timid and doesn’t feel comfortable praying out loud or with groups of people.

But one thing Sameen isn’t afraid of is telling others about Jesus. As my teammates and I have encouraged her, she’s grown into a fruitful disciple of Christ.

Not long ago Sameen met Husna, a young Muslim woman who had been thrown out of her home and cut off from her husband by her mother-in-law. With nowhere to go, Husna was living on the streets with her children.

As Sameen spent time with Husna, she encouraged the young mother to turn to the Lord in prayer and to tell Him what she needed.

“We can ask God directly for help,” Sameen said, and then she and Husna cried out in prayer together.

As the brilliant figure spoke, Husna asked Him who He was.

That very night, Husna had a dream of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Husna felt very happy about the dream because she had always thought fondly of the mother of Jesus. Mary is highly regarded in the Quran, and many Muslim women have positive feelings about her.

As her dream continued, Husna saw a glowing white Man appear next to Mary. Husna asked the brilliant figure who He was.

“I am the Son of Mary,” He said. “You came looking for Mary. But you have found Me.”

When Husna woke up in the morning, she went to Sameen’s house and described the dream to her. Sameen told her more about Jesus and shared the message of the Gospel, and Husna put her faith in Christ.

As Husna stepped into new life with Jesus, she also realized that she needed to reconcile with her mother-in-law. A few days later she courageously returned to her mother-in-law and offered peace and forgiveness.

We’ve since enjoyed sweet times of prayer with our new sister, Husna, and are celebrating how Christ is working in her life.

Stories like this one are happening regularly all around the Muslim world. We watch and celebrate as the Holy Spirit draws people like Husna to Jesus and immediately transforms their lives.

  • Celebrate with us that Muslim men and women are encountering Jesus Christ and embracing eternal salvation.
  • Pray for new believers like Sameen and Husna to grow in love for Jesus, knowledge of the Word, and bold witness.
  • Ask the Lord to raise up new teams of Frontiers workers to go and share the Gospel among Muslims who have never heard.
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