When the Deaf Hear • Frontiers USA

When the Deaf Hear

Fits and tantrums were normal for Ziryan. Then a Frontiers team asked God to heal him inside and out.
December 2, 2019 By Frontiers USA

Little Ziryan used to throw epic fits. He’s a 4-year-old Muslim boy living with his family in a refugee camp.

Every week, my teammates and I meet with his family to discuss God’s Word. During our first few visits, Ziryan’s frequent tantrums involved kicking and screaming. He’d yell and shout, but his words were nonsensical and unintelligible.

His mother said these behaviors were normal for Ziryan. Unable to understand her son or calm him down, she tried to pacify him with YouTube videos.

After several weeks, Ziryan’s mother finally voiced her exhaustion.

They joined us in laying hands on the boy as we prayed.

“Ziryan doesn’t listen to me,” she said. She wondered if his behavior problems were because he couldn’t hear.

When my teammate Elizabeth asked if we could pray in Jesus’ name for Ziryan to be healed, the family readily agreed. They joined us in laying hands on the boy as we prayed.

The next week, Ziryan’s mother greeted Elizabeth eagerly.

“He can hear!” she told Elizabeth. She explained that the morning after we had prayed for her son, Ziryan had woken up and started acting like a completely different boy. He also started speaking words for the first time in his life.

As if on cue, Ziryan bounced into the room and happily sat down in a team member’s lap. Excited to have all eyes on him, he proudly recited his numbers and colors.

Everyone watched in awe as the boy—formerly disruptive and non-verbal—now sang, talked, laughed, and cuddled.

As a result of Ziryan’s transformation, his mother and other family members are praying in Jesus’ name for other seemingly impossible situations. They’re reading the Word with renewed interest in His teachings. And as God’s truth comes alive to them, they’re sharing it with family and friends.

  • Praise the Lord for revealing His power by healing Ziryan and giving him the ability to hear and speak.
  • Pray that Ziryan’s physical healing will lead his entire family to trust and follow Jesus, who makes “the deaf hear and the mute speak” (Mark 7:37).
  • Ask God to raise up more teams to go and share the Gospel in places where Christ is not yet known.
Seguir leyendo

Before fleeing from Syria, Hakim and his family were surviving on twigs and grass. Now they’ve been introduced to Jesus through a miraculous healing, and they’re thriving on the Word of God.


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