Türkiye/Balkans • Frontiers USA

Welcome to the Türkiye/Balkans Region

A crossroads of cultures and a bridge between continents, this region of mountains and seas has held strategic importance throughout ages of empires, conquests, and ethnic divides.

Sobre la región

Surrounded by seas and studded with mountain ranges, the Türkiye/Balkans region has been a contested land throughout history. As the stomping grounds of the former Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires, the region is dotted with world-famous ruins and architecture.

A major power in the Muslim world, the country of Türkiye is home to the largest population of refugees on earth. The country has welcomed millions of displaced persons from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. Many of these refugees are open to the Gospel.

Along eastern Europe lie the Balkans—an area of breathtaking beauty and ethnic diversity. Devastating wars involving parts of the former Yugoslavia have torn communities apart and left deep wounds that have yet to heal.

Datos breves
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    A region scattered with charming towns, scenic valleys, and peaceful lakes
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    Welcoming of Western lifestyles thanks to its proximity to Europe
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    The cradle of the early Christian church
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    A land of hospitality, symbolized by Turkish çay (tea) and Balkan rakia (brandy)
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    Host to millions of Muslim refugees
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    A region that offers opportunities for on-the-field training

Clima espiritual

As the cradle of early Christianity, Türkiye has a rich spiritual history. Many biblical events took place here. But today, less than 1% of the population is Christian, and many Turks embrace an identity that opposes Christianity.

In the Balkans—where ethnic, cultural, and religious divides have fueled wars and bloodshed—the hope of healing feels like a far-off dream.

Meanwhile, Islam appears to be on the rise as extremists from other countries seek to recruit young people to radical causes.


There's a place for you and your unique set of gifts in the Türkiye/Balkans region! Pursue your passions and put your skills and education to use in fields such as:

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    Empresa y consultoría
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    Entrenamiento y atletismo
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    Photography, media, and design
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    Enseñanza del inglés
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    Ministerio de refugiados
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    Formación profesional
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    Asesoramiento sobre traumas

Find Your Place in the Türkiye/Balkans Region

Interested in joining God to heal ancient divides in the Türkiye/Balkans region?

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