A Mother's Love • Frontiers USA

A Mother’s Love

Aisha is just the right mother for the daughter God has entrusted to her.
May 9, 2018 By Frontiers USA
A mother and daughter

I walked down the path to Aisha’s small apartment. When my friend answered the door, I saw Manal, her five-year-old girl, hiding behind her skirts.

As we visited, Aisha swept Manal into her arms, hugging and kissing her and pouring out her delight on the child.

Aisha is an adoring mother. But her life is far from easy. Manal has Down Syndrome, and others in their community believe that having a child with disabilities is a disgrace. Such children, they say, should be kept hidden away.

But this mother will have none of that. When people look disapprovingly at her daughter, Aisha responds by giving Manal a kiss—a public demonstration of her deep love for this child whom God has made different.

Others say that children like Manal should be kept hidden away.

Several times a week, Aisha takes Manal to a special center where she receives personalized care.

She showed me the educational toys she’s found in the market and described how she uses these to mimic the activities that Manal does with the staff at the center. Aisha also showed me videos on her phone of her daughter working on puzzles and dancing with other children in the center.

As I watched a video of the five-year-old dance, her face beaming with delight, I told Aisha that she is just the right mother for her daughter.

“God has uniquely entrusted Manal to you,” I encouraged her. “He knew that you would show your daughter the same great love with which He loves us—and that you would help Manal live the fullest life.”

Tears rolled down her face—and mine, too. The way she loves and champions Manal reflects the same passion with which Jesus Christ fully offers Himself to us, so that we can live the fullest life.

  • Pray that Muslim mothers like Aisha would discover the Father who loves us perfectly and unconditionally.
  • Ask God to equip and encourage parents of disabled children, that they would esteem their children just as He esteems us.
  • Pray for Frontiers workers as they share with Muslims that Jesus Christ loves them and advocates for them (1 John 2:1).
Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.

Main photo by ClearFrost