Opportunities in the Arab Gulf • Frontiers USA

Opportunities in the Arab Gulf

The region has no known fellowship of local Muslim-background—but God is changing that.
January 14, 2019 By Frontiers USA
Two Arab men in Arab Gulf city

Every year, 3 million Muslims travel to the Arab Gulf to visit one place: Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

They come for the hajj, or the Islamic pilgrimage, which is one of the five pillars in Islam.

Try to imagine Muslim men and women arriving in the Dubai airport, a major Middle Eastern hub. Rich or poor, each Muslim pilgrim is clothed in white, ready for the spiritual experience of a lifetime. They pass shops in the airport selling expensive perfumes and Louis Vuitton bags—luxuries that most of them will never afford in a lifetime.

Rich or poor, each Muslim pilgrim is clothed in white, ready for the spiritual experience of a lifetime.

The real surprise for many devout Muslims arriving in the Arab Gulf for the holy pilgrimage is that the spiritual experience they thirst for is immersed in a culture of excess and affluence.

But God is doing a new work in the Arab Gulf, drawing Muslims who thirst for true religion to drink the Water of Life!

While the region still has no known fellowship of local Muslim-background believers, we believe God is changing this. And you can join us on the forefront of change as He opens up opportunities for career-minded disciples to share Jesus Christ with Muslims.

International corporations are flooding into the region, which is home to two of the world’s strongest economies. This wealth of opportunity draws immigrants from around the world—so many that they far outnumber local Arabs. Many of these economic migrants come from Muslim people groups that have been difficult to reach with the Gospel in their own countries. Christians with professional or technical skills will find excellent career prospects and open doors to witness to Muslim migrants and Gulf Arabs in the workplace.

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Learn about the spiritual climate and exciting opportunities in the Arab Gulf and the Middle East region!