Baptized in Hostile Environments • Frontiers USA

Baptized in Hostile Environments

Discover what new Muslim-background believers are facing—and why their hope isn’t being crushed.
January 16, 2019 By Frontiers USA
Indonesian woman with elder

God is moving powerfully in the Muslim neighborhood where my teammates and I live. Men and women have been healed, and many have become followers of Jesus. These new believers gather regularly, and they’ve begun calling themselves the Family of Jesus Christ.

Recently, an elderly member of the community opened his home for a special gathering with his fellow believers. They thought about 30 people would come. Almost twice as many people showed up.

Some people contributed food, and others played music. Two women gave powerful testimonies of how Jesus has transformed their lives. Those who weren’t yet believers heard the Gospel and were invited to respond. There was also a time to pray for anyone who had a particular need.

The love of Jesus Christ, as expressed through His followers, shines so much more brightly in hostile environments.

Then, within days of this special event, a local group of radical Muslims started threatening to kill followers of Jesus.

In spite of the threats, 10 more people decided to be baptized. A few days later, several of them traveled across the country to visit relatives to bring them the Good News.

God has promised that He’ll complete the work of expanding His Kingdom among every people group. Until then, He’s given us the privilege of working together to see His will accomplished on earth as it is in heaven. As His followers, we’re meant to take part and be firsthand witnesses to the growth of the Kingdom—even in the most difficult places in the Muslim world.

The global church is growing. But as the Gospel spreads in hard places, believers are facing greater hostility—even violent death.

There is a stark contrast between people prepared to kill others for their cause—and those prepared to be killed. The love of Jesus Christ, as expressed through His followers, shines so much more brightly in hostile environments.

So it is in our Muslim neighborhood where my teammates and I live. New believers face intense persecution at the hands of neighbors who’ve been influenced by radical teaching.

But they also know that more and more Muslims want to hear about Jesus and the gift of salvation. The number of those seeking the Light of Life is greater than the number of those trying to harm this fledgling church.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  — John 1:5

  • Praise God for drawing more Muslims into the Kingdom.
  • Ask the Lord to protect new believers and to spread the Gospel into other neighborhoods.
  • Pray for more workers to help catalyze movements to Christ in the most challenging parts of the Muslim world.
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Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker.