How the Bible Changes Muslim Families • Frontiers USA

How the Bible Changes Muslim Families

The Word of God is living and active—and Najib and his wife and family are experiencing it.
June 10, 2019 By Frontiers USA
Muslim man smiling in mosque

“He’s changed so much,” Najib’s mother said. “They both have. My son and his wife have become better people since they’ve started meeting with you.” 

“But it’s not because of me or anything I’ve done,” I explained to Najib’s mother. “It’s because they’re reading about Jesus and applying His teachings from the Bible in their lives. When we learn about Jesus in the Word and follow His ways, God changes us.”

Najib and his wife, Aisha, nodded in agreement. They’ve both noticed a difference in their lives. 

“The way my wife and I interact in our marriage has improved because of Jesus.”

“Yes, there is a big difference,” Najib said. “I treat people better now. I used to be so proud and would go out looking for arguments, trying to pick fights with people. But Jesus is making me so much more humble now. Even the way my wife and I interact in our marriage has improved because of Jesus.” Aisha smiled in agreement. 

This is what happens when the Word takes root in the hearts of people in Muslim communities. Lives are changed, and others around them notice.

As I study the Bible with Najib and Aisha, we discuss how to apply its teachings in our lives.

We also encourage sharing God’s truth with others by asking who else needs to hear the message of Jesus Christ. The result is that new disciples like Najib and Aisha are bearing fruit as they share the Gospel with others.

Now the Word of God is reaching into the hearts of others in both Najib and Aisha’s families. Najib’s mother is sharing stories from the Bible with all her children. And Aisha’s siblings are eager for the Gospel.

It is exciting to see the Word of God spread through family lines. Please pray that they will understand and receive God’s love and salvation as they discover Christ together.

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Amadou had no access to the Good News—until a Frontiers worker introduced him to the Bible in his own language.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.