A Child of Hope Part 3 • Frontiers USA

A Child of Hope Part 3

17-year-old Abdul is eager to tell everyone about his newfound faith in Jesus.
December 26, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Man at the mall

Abdul paced by the apartment door as he waited for John, a Frontiers field worker, to get home.

For the past few months, since he escaped his war-torn country, the 17-year-old had been living with John. In that time, he discovered a Bible in his language, decided to follow Jesus, and was baptized. He also found new purpose in telling people about Jesus and encouraging other Muslim-background believers to take the step of baptism.

John’s key clicked in the lock. The door opened and he stepped inside, laden with his laptop bag and several grocery sacks. “Hi, Abdul.”

“Hurry and get ready.” Abdul grabbed the grocery sacks and deposited them on the kitchen counter. “On the way to the laundromat, I talked with three people who want to hear more about Jesus. We need to go meet them.”

“OK.” Smiling, John hung his laptop bag over the back of a chair.

“He says he couldn’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but he wants to hear what I have to say.”

“Let’s go to the mall first,” Abdul said, shoving cans and produce into empty spots in the pantry and fridge. “I rode with an Uber driver earlier, and we agreed to meet up there. He says he couldn’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but he wants to hear what I have to say.”

John stuffed the empty grocery sacks in a cabinet and sat at the table. “Let’s plan what you’re going to say to him.”

After preparing, they went to meet the man at the mall.

After talking for an hour, the man was no longer adamant that Jesus could not be the Son of God.

John listened as Abdul and the Uber driver discussed Jesus while they all walked laps around the indoor mall.

After talking for an hour, the man was no longer adamant that Jesus could not be the Son of God. Instead, he expressed interest in learning more and asked Abdul to meet him again.

On their way to Abdul’s next appointment, he turned to John and asked, “Is it OK if I invite some people over to study the Bible next week? I also met some people in the laundromat and in a taxi who want to learn more. We could bring everyone together to read about Jesus.”

The attendees expressed a desire to follow Christ and even decided to be baptized.

“Sure.” John smiled. “Let me know how I can help.”

“I will,” Abdul assured him. Then his expression turned serious. “I used to be so worried and depressed about my future. But I don’t spend much time thinking about that anymore. I’d rather help other people learn about Jesus than feel sorry for myself.”

John nodded. “It seems you’ve found God’s purpose for you.”

Over the next few months, Abdul’s Bible study thrived. Five men from the community attended each week. Before long, three of the attendees expressed a desire to follow Christ and even decided to be baptized, a step with risks for Muslim-background believers in Abdul’s region. This young man’s boldness continues to have ripple effects as the good news about Jesus spreads in his city.


  • Pray that God will continue to give Abdul wisdom to boldly lead older men in Bible study.  
  • Ask God to bless and multiply this group of new believers.
  • Pray for other Muslim-background believers to courageously share about their faith despite fear of the consequences.
  • Praise God for using a young man to bring many into the Kingdom.
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Read the beginning of Abdul’s story:



Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.