The Cost of Starting a Movement • Frontiers USA

The Cost of Starting a Movement

In the face of death, Muslim-background believers are sharing Christ with urgent determination.
November 4, 2019 By Katie Beck

Asef was one of the first people in his city that Frontiers worker Daniel introduced to Christ. Daniel and his teammates encouraged Asef in his faith, and the new believer quickly caught a vision to reach his friends and family with the Gospel.

Asef grew in boldness. And with urgent determination, he shared Jesus with many in his Muslim community. Under the Frontiers team’s coaching, he made disciples, gathered them into Bible studies, and trained them to tell others about Jesus.

The first person Asef led to the Lord was Hamid. Hamid followed in Asef’s example and invited even more Muslims to follow Christ.

Such a crisis could have stopped the church from growing any further.

Then, Hamid was murdered for sharing Jesus.

Such a crisis could have stopped the church from growing any further.

But in the wake of Hamid’s death, two new believers approached Asef. They knew that Hamid had helped many Muslims turn to Christ. They also knew that to keep the young church growing, more believers needed to be equipped to share the Good News. The two men asked Asef to coach them so they could continue Hamid’s work of making disciples and starting Bible studies.

To keep the young church growing, more believers needed to be equipped to share the Gospel.

Asef began meeting with them several times a week, equipping them in the same way Daniel had coached him.

Now these two young men are leading seven house churches, each of which has six or more new believers.

Daniel shares that this growing community of Jesus followers continues to face trials, threats, and persecution. But that hasn’t stopped them from studying God’s Word together, praying for one another, and leading others to Christ.

  • Praise God for this growing movement, and pray that it continues to draw more Muslims to faith in Jesus.
  • Pray that the Lord will guide Frontiers teams to potential leaders like Asef.
  • Pray for new Muslim-background believers to share their faith with boldness in spite of persecution—so that their entire families will be saved.
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A Muslim-background believer shows he’s ready to offer the ultimate gift for the sake of the Gospel.


Editor’s Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.