Discover the Unengaged • Frontiers USA

Discover the Unengaged

Communities all around the world have no access to the Source of Life. But it doesn't have to stay this way.
June 6, 2018 By Frontiers USA
City at night

Imagine flying over the earth at night. As you look down over a community, you’ll see lights shining up from the darkness. Those are homes reached by a power source.

Look down again, and you’ll see areas that appear mostly dark. In these communities, few people have power.

Likewise, there are communities all around the world with very little access to the Gospel message. Populations that are less than 2% Christian are called unreached. Churches are present—but in very small numbers—and they need help to meaningfully impact the cultures surrounding them.

Now imagine flying over a community in total darkness. There are people there, living as they always have. But not a single household has power, and there’s no effort to bring it to them. If nothing changes, they’ll go on living and dying in the dark.

These are like unengaged people groups—populations with no long-term, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst. They have no church and there is no effort to introduce them to Jesus Christ.

If nothing changes, they’ll go on living and dying in the dark.

Frontiers currently has over 600 long-term workers sent from the U.S. and serving overseas. Hundreds of churches have been planted through their efforts and prayers.

But more than 1,000 unengaged Muslim people groups still have no one bringing them the Gospel.

And thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, “Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.” — Romans 15:20-21

The men, women, and children in these people groups are like the communities with no access to a power source: If no one tells them about the Source of Life, they’ll go on living and dying in the dark.

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Discover more about how Frontiers’ priority to bring the Gospel to the least-reached peoples, places, and regions of the Muslim world.