Embark: A 4-Week Study • Frontiers USA

Embark: A 4-Week Study

Discover your role in reaching the nations through Embark, a free Bible study about God's global plan for the nations.
March 18, 2018 By Frontiers USA
Embark 4 Week Study

Etched throughout the Bible is God’s design for reaching all nations and peoples with the Good News of the Kingdom.

Embark is a 4-week Bible study that will help you discover God’s global plan as revealed throughout His Word.

You’ll also learn about the work that remains for us to finish His work.

Each of us has a critical part to play in completing the Great Commission. The Embark study offers you the chance to better understand the part for which God created you. By the end of this 4-week Bible study, you’ll have a clearer sense of the next steps you can take toward fulfilling the unique call He has placed on your life.

The Embark Bible study will help you explore:

  • God’s plan to bless all peoples according to His Word
  • The task that remains to finish His work among the nations
  • Your role in fulfilling God’s plan for all peoples

The Embark study is for every follower of Jesus Christ.

You may not sense God calling you to go and share the Gospel in another country.

But you are called to use your unique skills, abilities, and passions to join in God’s global plan. And for many people like you, that’s a calling to stay right where you are to send, pray, and give.

You’ve got a critically important role to fulfill.

Get ready to ignite your heart with God’s vision for the nations—and embark on an adventure of advancing His Kingdom.

Get started today with your free download of Embark.