How to Engage Your Community in the Great Commission • Frontiers USA

How to Engage Your Community in the Great Commission

Five ways you and your church can be part of fulfilling the Great Commission.
March 24 By Frontiers USA
Group Bible study

In Matthew 28:19–20, Jesus tells His followers to go and “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Christ commanded.” This is the Great Commission, the call on the life of every believer.

To fulfill this, some are led to go to the ends of the earth to share the Gospel. Those He doesn’t send are still called to action.

Reaching the whole world can feel overwhelming, but there are many ways to be part of taking the Gospel to unreached people groups. you can Multiply your impact by getting your whole church involved!

Here are five ways to engage your community with the Great Commission:

Adopt an unreached people group. Share about this people group with friends and family, during Bible study or small group, and with church leadership. Encourage your whole congregation—from nursery to seniors—to pray for them.

Pray Luke 10:2. Encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ to set an alarm for 10:02 every day as a reminder to pray for more laborers to go to the harvest.

Ask your church leadership to invite a missionary or missions worker to speak during a service. Frontiers can help you line up a speaker to encourage your congregation with how God is working around the world.

Serve local refugees and displaced people. Arrange opportunities for your small group or friends to care for those in need and share the Good News close to home.

Partner with Frontiers. Your prayers and financial support help us send workers to the least-reached Muslim people groups around the world to bring the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

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Discover the unifying thread of the Great Commission woven throughout the Word of God.