Faith for 30 Million • Frontiers USA

Faith for 30 Million

Discover how Jesus is healing Fadila’s heart and giving her faith for the impossible.
March 11, 2019 By Frontiers USA
Fadila has faith for 30 million

“You’re beautiful,” Hannah said to Fadila, a young Syrian refugee woman. “God loves you, and so do I.”

Hannah, a Frontiers worker, spoke these words every week when she came to Fadila’s home to study the Bible with her mother, Wahiba. But no matter how many times she heard her say it, Fadila didn’t believe Hannah. Her entire life, people had made fun of Fadila. She had hypothyroidism, which made it difficult to manage her weight. She also suffered from depression and often felt tired and hopeless.

Wahiba had asked Hannah for a Bible. Since the woman couldn’t read, Hannah gave her an audio version. A week later, Hannah asked Wahiba, “How’s the Bible? Are you listening to it?”

“No, I haven’t had a chance,” she replied. “Fadila took it and she’s been listening to it nonstop!”

Fadila suffered from depression and often felt tired and hopeless.

Moments later, Fadila entered the room. She was glowing and smiling from ear to ear. Seating herself between her mother and Hannah, Fadila recounted story after story about Jesus. “I love Jesus so much,” she said. “And I know He loves me, too, because these stories from the Bible show me that He does.”

“I hardly recognize my daughter anymore,” Wahiba said. “I don’t remember her ever smiling like this.”

Soon after, Fadila was scheduled for thyroid surgery. As the day approached, she felt increasingly anxious. At the hospital, Fadila panicked and refused to let the doctor and nurses touch her. Then she pictured Jesus putting His hand on her shoulder and saying, “It’s OK. I’m going to be with you.” With that, she calmed down and went into surgery smiling and full of joy and peace.

Not long after, Fadila and both her parents put their faith in Christ. They’re devouring the Word, and Jesus is healing Fadila’s heart and turning her sadness into joy. He’s also given her a passion to help others discover the truth in His Word.

“What’s the combined population of Syria and this country?” Fadila asked Hannah recently.

“About 30 million,” Hannah replied.

Fadila has led almost 70 people to the Lord.

“Then that’s my vision,” Fadila said. “I want to see 30 million people put their faith in Jesus in my lifetime.”

Already, Fadila has led almost 70 people to the Lord. She’s started several Bible study groups in her Muslim community, and she intends to keep starting more.

“Fadila is just one of the people we’ve seen God transform and use mightily in our ministry,” Hannah says. “She was open to the message of Christ. And then, when she experienced His love and power, it galvanized her to follow Jesus with her whole life. Now she’s filled with a vision to share Him with others—whole families, entire communities, and beyond.”

Many men and women are following Jesus and being baptized thanks to the witness of people like Fadila.

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For years, Kanita felt only anger and disappointment. Peace had always eluded her.

Then she discovered the power to forgive.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.