Fearless Faith • Frontiers USA

Fearless Faith

Saleh memorized the entire Quran. But he still felt something was missing.
November 4, 2018 By Katie Beck
A courageous young man

“I will never leave Jesus,” declared Saleh, a 19-year-old who was a student at an Islamic school.

To his professors and classmates, Saleh was a promising student of the Quran. He had earned the distinction of being a hafiz, a term of respect given to those who have memorized the entire book.

But even with all his knowledge of Islam, Saleh had felt for a long time something was missing.

Saleh was as promising student of the Quran. He had earned the distinction of being a hafiz.

Then, one afternoon, he visited his uncle Abdul, a Muslim-background believer who had faced persecution for his faith. Abdul regularly meets with Jeremy, a Frontiers team member, for prayer and encouragement.

Abdul could tell that his nephew felt restless. When he asked him about his studies, Saleh seemed indifferent.

“You know there’s another way, don’t you?” Abdul asked. He began sharing the message of Jesus in the Word, and this intrigued Saleh.

The young man came back the next afternoon to hear more. After several afternoon visits with his uncle, Saleh declared that he wanted to follow Jesus Christ. He started studying the Bible with Abdul most afternoons to learn how to be a disciple of Christ.

“Whatever happens, I will never leave my Savior,” Saleh said.

Saleh told everyone he could that he was a follower of Jesus. As word got out about his newfound faith, students and leaders from his quranic school started harassing him.

Then, Saleh disappeared. No one seemed to know what had happened to him.

A few days later, Saleh showed up at his uncle’s home, his body covered with fresh wounds and bruises. He’d been abducted, interrogated, and beaten by his classmates. They had threatened to kill him if he didn’t stop following Jesus.

“But whatever happens, I will never leave my Savior,” Saleh said.

Saleh continues to meet with his uncle to study the Word. At night, he reads quietly from a small Bible.

“Abdul is quite shaken by the attack on Saleh,” Jeremy says. “But he is also encouraged to see such a young believer courageously follow Jesus Christ. We’re excited to see what God will do in and through Saleh as he grows as a disciple.” 

  • Ask God to root Saleh in the love of Jesus and knowledge of the Word.
  • Pray for Saleh’s increased faith and courage to introduce others to the Savior.
  • Ask God to help Muslim background believers like Abdul disciple others to follow Jesus.
  • Pray for more laborers to go and share the Gospel where there are still no witnesses for Christ.
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Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.

Main photo by UNAMID