Fearless Hope in the Face of Death • Frontiers USA

Fearless Hope in the Face of Death

In a Muslim country where security risks are increasing, a Frontiers family is offering the lasting hope of the Kingdom.
March 30, 2020 By Katie Beck
man in a Muslim country

“Don’t worry for us,” says Steve, a Frontiers worker living with his family in an unstable Muslim country. “We’re learning another lesson in trust. Please pray for us.”

Amid intensifying uncertainty, the country his team lives in is experiencing a rise of violence, and the borders are closing.

“We are on super-ultra-mega-high alert,” Steve shares. “We have been doing everything we can to mitigate unnecessary risk.”

Recently one of his closest friends in the country, a Muslim named Mahmoud, told Steve, “Everyone here is afraid.”

“That is not exactly true,” Steve responded. “We are not afraid.”

He writes to friends and supporters back home,

Don’t get me wrong, I’m concerned about what has been going on. I am vigilant for my young children and my beautiful wife.

These escalating events weigh heavy on my heart. Many people in the country have gone and ‘met their Maker’ and, statistically, it is safe to assume that none of them were ready to stand before our King. That is terrible, painful, and heart-wrenching. These beautiful, hospitable people are stuck here, and they have no hope.

But we have hope. That’s how we are different from our Muslim friends. That is why we are not afraid. We have so much hope. Either our faithful King will protect and sustain us, or He will take pleasure in our joyful obedience as we give up our lives, reaping the rewards He reserves for us. It is really a win-win. We cannot lose.

In difficult places like this, Frontiers workers are often among the very few who know and can share the hope of lasting peace.

Praise God for allowing Steve and workers like him to continue shining the light of Christ amid the terror of uncertainty and the darkness of death.

  • Pray for God to grant Frontiers workers the grace to stay as long as He wills, with their hope shining brilliantly where it is needed most.
  • Ask the Lord to protect workers and their families from harm as they count the cost of staying on the field for the sake of the Gospel.
  • Pray that Muslim families living amid violence and uncertainty will discover eternal life through Jesus Christ.
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In the midst of political hostility and unrest, a Frontiers field worker shares her source of peace with a neighbor.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.