Feeding Hungry Families During a Pandemic • Frontiers USA

Feeding Hungry Families During a Pandemic

Learn how Frontiers teams around the world have served Muslim communities hit hardest by the pandemic.
October 5, 2020 By Frontiers USA
a man helping deliver food

Since the start of the global lockdown, Frontiers’ humanitarian response team has been equipping workers on the field to meet the needs of Muslim families and show Christ’s love in practical ways.

About 6000 families throughout the Muslim world have received emergency food kits through the ministries of Frontiers teams sent from the U.S.

God is providing so many opportunities for good in this pandemic.

— A Frontiers field worker

In the crisis of the pandemic, our teams have also:

  • Launched COVID-19 training for hospital staff and public health workers
  • Mass-produced medical face masks
  • Developed and manufactured low-cost ventilators for local hospitals
  • Created nationwide digital and television campaigns on disease prevention
  • Manufactured protective equipment for medical professionals
  • Distributed hand sanitizer and face masks
  • Designed community outreach programs on preventing the spread of the virus

God has used these ministries to open doors for broad sowing of the Gospel. Dozens of new Bible studies have started in Muslim homes as a result of these practical acts of love, and the number of new believers is growing.

In some countries, the compassion of Frontiers teams has opened the door for the Gospel to be shared among people groups that had no one reaching them for Christ. One of these previously unengaged groups now has two new believers—the first among their people to profess faith in Jesus.

What we have done in bringing 100 parcels of food to widows and desperate families is worth more than 10 years of talking [with them about the Gospel].

— A local believer partnering with a Frontiers team

Praise God for these new opportunities to serve communities in need and bring the Gospel into Muslim homes.

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