After a long day without food or water, my wife and I sank into a booth at our favorite restaurant, eager to break our fast. A waiter quickly took our iftar order. When plates of kebabs and rice arrived, we only paused long enough to greet Hasip, the owner, before diving into the delicious food.
He smiled as he strolled around the dining room, stopping to check on us several more times. As my hunger pangs began to ease, I talked more readily with him about his Ramadan experience and shared a story from God’s Word.
After nearly an hour, my wife and I got up to leave. Before walking outside, I stopped to shake Hasip’s hand. “Thank you again, for the food and the conversation.”
“You will have to come again,” he said. “I enjoyed talking with you about the Quran.” He shrugged. “Your stories from the Injil were interesting too.”
I smiled. “Before we go, is there anything you’d like prayer for?”
Immediately, Hasip’s relaxed expression vanished, pain taking its place. “Pray for the Muslims surrounded by violence and hatred. Their suffering is far from here, but they remain close to my heart.”
“God’s love can help us forgive.”
I asked him if any of his family members were involved in the conflict he was referring to. “Yes. And friends,” he said.
As we talked of the violence that had leveled city blocks and inspired so much fear, I asked Hasip if he thought forgiveness was possible.
He shook his head quickly. “After what those people have done to my family, they deserve only punishment.”
“Do you believe God can forgive your sins?” I asked. “Can’t you forgive them of theirs?”
He crossed his arms. “Not for this. If someone hurt your family, you would want them to pay.”
“That would probably be my first reaction,” I admitted. “But then I would try to show them mercy. It might not be easy, but God’s love can help us forgive.”
Hasip sighed. “If only that were true.”
“Hasip’s heart is like Yours, Lord.”
My wife handed me her phone, a Scripture verse already pulled up on the screen. I quickly showed Hasip what it said. “Look. Jesus said love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” I opened another passage. “He also says that unless you forgive those who sin against you, your Father in heaven will not forgive you.”
Hasip sighed, the stiffness leaving his shoulders. I could tell he was intrigued by the Word, even if he didn’t quite know what to make of it.
Just then, another patron left the restaurant.
Hasip straightened. “I almost forgot I was working. I should get back to the kitchen.”
Before he could walk away, I rested a hand on his shoulder. “Please, let me pray for you before you go.”
When he nodded, I asked God to bless him and his business. Then I interceded for the violence causing him so much grief. I asked God to help aid those in need. I asked for peace and reconciliation, then thanked Him for Hasip’s heart for the hurting and broken. “In that way, Hasip’s heart is like Yours, Lord.”
God is at work in the Muslim world.
When I opened my eyes, I found Hasip staring at me in disbelief.
“I thought Christians hated Muslims. I thought you just ate pork and drank alcohol.” He shook my hand again. “You’ve given me much to consider, my friend. I hope you’ll come back soon so we can talk about this more.”
I quickly agreed.
On our walk home, my wife and I praised God for such an incredible end to the day.
Though Ramadan always presents unique challenges, it also gives us so many incredible opportunities to talk about spiritual matters. God is at work in the Muslim world, and all who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
- Praise God for using the spiritual focus of Ramadan to give workers more opportunities to speak about Jesus.
- Ask God to continue softening the hearts of Muslim men and women like Hasip.
- Pray that Muslims in places experiencing violence and unrest will turn to Jesus for hope and peace.
As a Frontiers field worker prepares the iftar meal with a local friend, she finds herself celebrating a lot more than she expected.
This story is based on real events, drawn from firsthand experiences of the long-term workers involved. Names and places have been changed for security.