When God Gives the Words We Need • Frontiers USA

When God Gives the Words We Need

Aptitude tests said that he wouldn’t be able to learn a second language. But when God called him to share about Jesus in North Africa, no test score could hold him back.
September 12, 2022 By Frontiers USA
North African Man Leading Donkey

The smell of baked goods floated above the chatter of voices in the apartment. Nicholas hunted for a spot to sit, stepping carefully to avoid crawling babies and squirming toddlers. Fitting 40 adults plus their children into his living room for their weekly Frontiers team meeting was a challenge.

However, finding enough elbow room was nothing compared to their goal of starting a church in their unreached community. The North African region where the team worked was a tough place to live, much less engage in conversations about Jesus. The last missionary in the area had left over fifty years earlier, driven away by threats of violence.

One way Nicholas’ team tried to connect with Muslim men and women was through a radio station that offered listeners the chance to study the Bible. But so far, nobody had taken them up on their offer.

Nicholas found an open spot on the floor next to two men deep in conversation and sighed as he sank down against the wall. Maybe the radio program was a lost cause.

Over 80 percent of people had more linguistic talent than he had.

As if on cue, the team’s leader, Brad, burst into the meeting with a huge grin. “Someone wants to study the Bible with us.”

The team went quiet for a moment, then exploded into excited chatter.

“The radio station called,” Brad continued, motioning for everyone to quiet down. “They want the team member with the best language ability to meet Tahar, the student.”

Everyone looked at Nicholas.

If God had called Nicholas to tell these unreached people about Jesus, He would give him the words to do it.

Nicholas’s language ability had been hard won. Before arriving on the field, he had taken a language aptitude test. He was crestfallen when his score came back—he’d landed in the 18th percentile. Over 80 percent of people had more linguistic talent than he had. He wondered how he was supposed to learn one of the toughest languages in the world.

Still, there were many stories in the Bible about people who seemed unsuited for the job God called them to. Moses was terrible at public speaking. Gideon had no political clout. David was a harp-strumming shepherd.

If God wanted Nicholas to tell these unreached people about Jesus, He would give him the words to do it. Determined to learn the language when he arrived, Nicholas lugged around a recorder and notepad, spending as much time as possible with the locals.

Now, his hard work had paid off. He spoke the local language better than anyone else on the team.

For the next six hours, Nicholas talked with the family and explained the Gospel to them.

The day after the team meeting, Nicholas drove to Tahar’s home and knocked on the door.

A young man opened it after a few moments. “Can I help you?”

Nicholas introduced himself. “Are you Tahar? I’m the follower of Jesus who is supposed to meet him.”

“Come in,” the young man said with a smile. “I’m Tahar, and I’ve been eager to meet you.”

Nicholas stepped into the home, and his jaw dropped. He hadn’t expected to find 70 people in the room. Men and women mingled, indicating that this was a large extended family.

This group of believers, the first church in the region, has continued to worship Jesus and share the Gospel with others for decades.

“Why are so many people here?” Nicholas whispered to Tahar.

“My father just passed away,” he answered. “I’ve become head of the family since I’m the firstborn.” He drew Nicholas further into the room and introduced him to various relatives, explaining to them why Nicholas had come.

For the next six hours, Nicholas talked with the family and told them about the Gospel. Like Tahar, they were interested in learning more about Jesus. After many conversations with him and among themselves, every member of the family eventually decided to follow Jesus. This group of believers, the first church in the region, has continued to worship Jesus and share the Gospel with others for decades.

Even though 82% of people should have been able to learn the language better than Nicholas, God had given him the words he needed. And Nicholas had been faithful to speak for His glory.


  • Ask God to continue to grow the church among North African people groups.
  • Pray that field workers will be persistent in learning language and filled with boldness to use what they know.
  • Ask God to send more workers to the least-reached peoples in North Africa.

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Nothing seemed to heal Nafissa’s nephew—until a group of Muslim-background believers banded together in persistent prayer.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.