God’s Heart for Southwest Asia • Frontiers USA

God’s Heart for Southwest Asia

Calling courageous and creative disciples to a region with some of the world’s oldest civilizations.
December 5, 2018 By Frontiers USA
Muslim woman and child in Afghanistan

The strategic region we call Southwest Asia spans from the Middle East to the Indian subcontinent. This mountainous region has some of the oldest civilizations in the world and is home to over 200 million Muslims.

The countries of Southwest Asia frequently make the front-page news. Some parts of the region have endured conflict and political tension for decades and are so volatile that only locals can go there. Dozens of unengaged Muslim people groups live in these difficult places.

Peace may seem like a distant hope for this region. The challenge of reaching its people with the Gospel is surrounded by a host of issues related to security, politics, war, and the rugged terrain. But the truth is that God’s heart is for the peoples of Southwest Asia, and He is opening up new opportunities to help foster movements to Christ.

War and insecurity have led many Muslims to leave their ancestral villages to find safety and income in cities. This has opened opportunities for engineers, teachers, and business professionals to serve these new populations.

Ministering in Southwest Asia demands humility, creativity, flexibility, perseverance, and courage. New field workers with the right combination of skills, calling, and personal resilience are needed to catalyze movements to Jesus Christ.

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