Healing a Car • Frontiers USA

Healing a Car

A rideshare driver witnesses the power of Jesus’ name when his car is fixed through the prayer of a Frontiers field worker.
September 5, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Muslim man with car

Zezo slammed the hood of his car and glared at it. Car trouble always started when he was hours away from home.

If only he hadn’t taken his vehicle to that carwash. Although the engine was fine, water had seeped into the car and ruined the instrument panel on the dashboard. As a rideshare driver, his car had to be in top shape to support his family. He also shared ownership of this car with two extended family members, and they wouldn’t be happy about this.

Looking up, Zezo spotted his friend Cameron striding out of a café toward the car. Cameron, a Frontiers field worker, regularly hired Zezo to drive him to his language lessons and back, and Zezo was supposed to take him home now. He’d have to look more closely at the instrument panel once he’d dropped Cameron at home.

He didn’t have money to fix this, and he was probably going to have to take time off work to try to do it himself.

“What’s wrong?” Cameron stopped beside Zezo and sent a worried glance at the vehicle. “Did something happen to your car?”

Zezo ground his teeth. “Yes. But it will make it home. Go ahead and get in.”

Cameron dropped into the passenger seat and Zezo slid in the driver’s side, hoping that when he turned the key in the ignition the instrument panel would light up.

It didn’t. He sighed.

“Oh, I see.” Cameron grimaced.

“The window isn’t working either,” Zezo grumbled, stabbing his finger at the driver’s side window button. He held in the slew of angry words that wanted to explode. He didn’t have money to fix this, and he was probably going to have to take time off work to try to do it himself.

At Cameron’s touch, the control panel blinked to life.

“Can I pray for your car in the name of Jesus?” Cameron asked.

Zezo shrugged. “Be my guest.”

Cameron prayed in a mixture of English and the local language as Zezo dodged through traffic. When Cameron finished, he touched the control panel.

At Cameron’s touch, the control panel blinked to life and music blared through the radio. Zezo almost drove off the road.

“What? How did you do that?” Zezo pushed the window button to see if the window would roll down, but it didn’t respond.

“I prayed in the name of Jesus. He fixed your car.”

Cameron reached over him and pressed the button. The window rolled down.

Zezo’s jaw dropped. “What did you do? This is amazing.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Cameron told him. “I prayed in the name of Jesus. He fixed your car.”

“Jesus fixed my car? How? And why? I need to know more.”

Cameron shared the Good News of Jesus with Zezo until he arrived home. For the first time, Zezo realized that Jesus might be more than just a prophet.

From then on, the two discussed Jesus each time Zezo gave Cameron a ride. But Zezo thought about Jesus every day after the miraculous incident whether he saw Cameron or not. Each time he turned his key in the ignition, the bright lights of the instrument panel reminded him of Jesus’ power, making him eager to continue learning more.


  • Pray that Zezo will choose to follow Jesus.
  • Ask God to continue to show His power to Muslim men and women through personal miracles.
  • Lift up field workers as they pray with boldness in the presence of their Muslim friends.

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Prompted to ask God for an opportunity to give a Bible away, a field worker and his son witness His answer to prayer.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.