Healings and the Harvest • Frontiers USA

Healings and the Harvest

Kareema thought she had looked everywhere for healing—until she encountered the healing love of Christ.
September 24, 2018 By Katie Beck
Southeast Asian women at a gathering

Kareema had suffered from back pain for years. She’d sought treatment from doctors, physical therapists, and even folk healers. But none of them found a physical source of her pain.

Then, at a relative’s wedding, Kareema met Frontiers worker Vicky and her friend Miriam, a Muslim background believer. As the three women chatted, Kareema shared about her back pain. Miriam began praying silently.

But then a thought intruded on Miriam’s silent prayers.

What if God wants to heal Kareema right here and now, in front of all her relatives? she wondered.

When Miriam asked if they could pray for her, Kareema accepted. Vicky and Miriam prayed. But Kareema’s pain didn’t go away.


So they prayed a second time. Startled, Kareema tried moving around. She bended forward and twisted her torso, stretching to each side.

“I’m healed,” she announced. “The pain in my back is gone!”

As the three women rejoiced together, Vicky said to her, “This physical healing is just one of the signs God gives you to show you how much He loves you. He also offers you spiritual healing for your heart.”

Vicky and Mariam explained that, through God’s gift of Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven our sins and spend eternity with Him. After sharing the Gospel, they asked Kareema if she wanted to receive Christ’s gift of spiritual healing.

With her entire family as witnesses, Kareema held out her hands in prayer and said yes.

“This is a season of harvest,” Vicky reports. As she, her teammates, and other believers pray with Muslims for physical healing, God is opening doors to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

And every week, more Muslims are entering the Kingdom and receiving His gift of forgiveness and eternal life.

Thank God for preparing the hearts of Muslim men and women in this region to receive Christ’s offer of healing and salvation—and pray for many more to enter the Kingdom.

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Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.

Main photo by UN Women/Pornvit Visitoran