An Imam Discovers Jesus Online • Frontiers USA

An Imam Discovers Jesus Online

Confused by the contradictions in Islam, an imam discovers the truth of Jesus through an online Bible course developed by Frontiers field workers.
August 15, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Muslim Man on Laptop

Kadin sighed. The more he studied Islam, the more confused he became. There seemed to be so many contradictions.

As an imam who taught other imams, it was his duty to understand how the pieces of his religion fit together. Yet traditional books failed him. So he turned to online resources and typed a question into the search bar.

Scrolling through the results, Kadin’s finger paused on the mouse. An ad for a free 12-lesson course on the life of Jesus caught his eye. Kadin had been taught that Jesus was a prophet, so learning about Him was a good place to continue his research.

Kadin couldn’t stop thinking about what he had read.

He clicked to start the course and began to read. After a few minutes, a chat bubble popped up in the corner of his screen.

A picture of a man with a wide smile appeared along with his greeting. “Hello. I’m Hicham, the course coach. Do you have any questions?”

Kadin did have questions. Many of them. After careful consideration, he typed one into the chat.

“Did Jesus claim to be God?” 

Hicham’s reply came within a few seconds.  

“I know a passage from the Injil that answers your question. Would you like to read it with me?”

Kadin quickly agreed.

If this course and Hicham were right, then Jesus was more than just a prophet.

Hicham shared a few verses, and the men talked about them. This prompted Kadin to ask more questions, which Hicham answered with even more verses from the Injil.

“Where did you learn about Jesus?” Kadin asked.

Hicham told him that he’d met Ron, a long-term Frontiers field worker, years before. Ron had studied the Injil with him. Now Hicham wanted to help others find answers to their spiritual questions too.

A while later, Kadin glanced at the clock. They’d been reading and talking for hours, and he needed to join his family for dinner. After a rushed goodbye to Hicham, he added the web page for the lessons to his bookmarks and closed the laptop.

All during the meal and throughout the next day, Kadin couldn’t stop thinking about what he had read. If this course and Hicham were right, then Jesus was more than just a prophet. Which would mean Kadin had been wrong about Him all along.

“Can I meet you? And where can I find a Bible?”

Every day, Kadin logged on to complete a lesson. He enjoyed the content and his chats with Hicham.

“I’m starting the second course tomorrow,” Kadin told Hicham when he completed the final lesson of the first course. Then he asked if they could text, as it would be much easier than using the chat feature on the website.

“Sure.” Hicham’s reply came with a phone number.

Kadin created a new contact in his phone and sent Hicham a message. Over the course of their conversation, they discovered that they lived within driving distance of one another.

Kadin received the Bible with two hands and kissed its leather cover.

“Can I meet you? And where can I read more about Jesus?” Kadin asked.

“Let’s meet at the park tomorrow,” Hicham responded. “I’ll bring you a Bible.”

The next day, Kadin arrived at the park and located Hicham. After the two exchanged greetings, Hicham held out a Bible, a gift from Ron.

Kadin received the Bible with two hands and kissed its cover. He knew this precious book held the answers he was looking for, and he could not wait to pore through its pages. With Hicham’s help, he would find the truth.


  • Ask God to reveal Himself to Kadin and other Muslims like him through the Bible.
  • Pray that Kadin will use his influence in the community to tell others the truth about Jesus.
  • Ask the Lord to lead many Muslim men and women to online Bible studies hosted by Frontiers workers and Muslim-background believers. 

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As a young girl, Ahlan was healed by Jesus. Decades later, she read the Word for the first time and finally discovered the truth about her Healer.

A 50-Year Solo Journey

Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.