Kids Who Count the Cost • Frontiers USA

Kids Who Count the Cost

In light of their son’s disappointment, a field worker couple considers the most important thing they can give him
August 19, 2019 By Frontiers USA
third culture kid at college

Why should our son miss out because of the choices my husband and I made to follow Jesus?

Our oldest son, Jackson, is experiencing the collateral suffering of our calling as he makes decisions about college.

Living overseas means we don’t have in-state status anywhere. He can’t live at home and go to an American community college because we don’t have a home in the US. Our son’s low-cost options for university are currently non-existent.

Advisors at Jackson’s university of choice offered to get him a special financial aid package tailored to his unique situation. They told us we could expect the university to offer something to meet Jackson’s college budget.

But it didn’t.

We were devastated.

The best thing we can offer our children is not a comfortable life or an ideal college experience.

This may seem like a small thing, but it caused us to start second-guessing all the decisions my husband and I have made over the past decades. Should we have homeschooled or sent Jackson to a distant boarding school? If we stayed in America, he wouldn’t be facing this dilemma.

It’s one thing to accept this calling for ourselves. But it’s painful to know that it creates hardships for those around us, especially for our family. My husband and I chose to say yes to reaching Muslims. Our kids did not. Yet they still count the cost.

But we’re reminded that God is good and He is worthy. He won’t let us down.

And the best thing we can offer our children is not a comfortable life or an ideal college experience.

The most important thing we give our kids is a model for how to live a life following Jesus Christ. Our children didn’t choose this life, but they’ll benefit from the blessing of our faithfulness as we trust God with our entire lives.

Trust in the Lord, and do good so you will live in the land, and enjoy security. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act. — Psalm 37:3–5

  • Pray field worker families will trust God to act on the behalf of their children as they commit all their ways to Him.
  • Pray that children of workers will be blessed as their parents count the cost of life on the field.
  • Pray for workers to be free from discouragement and full of joy and hope in their calling.
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A Frontiers field worker family dreamed of reaching Muslims in Africa, but they weren’t sure they could survive even one night.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.

Since this story was originally shared, Jackson has received additional funding to attend university.

Main photo by Barbara Krawcowicz