Learning to Walk Again • Frontiers USA

Learning to Walk Again

Bound to a wheelchair, Sanaz felt hopeless and wanted to die. But God used unlikely circumstances to bring her hope.
November 11, 2019 By Katie Beck
Young Muslim woman

Sanaz’s happiest memories are from her early childhood. She didn’t begin learning to walk until the age of 4. But in spite of her slow start, she was eventually keeping up with all the other children, running and playing with no difficulties.

When Sanaz started school, she was able to walk there and back each day. But then her body began weakening. Within a couple of years, she was bound to a wheelchair.

Medical professionals said Sanaz needed surgery. But her family was poor, and paying for the operation would leave them with no money for food. Sanaz had to quit going to school. This left her feeling hopeless and wanting to die.

Then war arrived and forced her entire village to flee and seek refuge elsewhere.

Sanaz has taken her first steps in over a decade.

In the panic of impending hostilities, many children with disabilities were left behind as their families hastily fled. But Sanaz’s uncle carried her and her youngest sibling to safety. The family eventually made it to a refugee camp.

At the camp, Sanaz enrolled in a rehabilitation program run by a Frontiers team. The program helps people with disabilities become more active in their communities.

Through regular visits with Frontiers workers who are trained therapists, Sanaz blossomed. She opened up and shared about her challenges. She even started to laugh again.  

Recently a short-term team of surgeons came and volunteered with the team. Sanaz was among many who received orthopedic surgeries.

Since then, Frontiers workers have helped her with daily physical therapy exercises. And in the few months since her surgery, Sanaz has taken her first steps in over a decade.

Sanaz and her family have also joined a Bible-based program in which they discuss values related to caring for themselves, for people with disabilities, and for others in their community. They’ve studied Bible stories and passages with Frontiers workers, and they’re enjoying engaging with God’s Word every week. 

Prayer Points
  • Praise God for Frontiers ministries that are bringing hope and healing to people with disabilities in Muslim communities.
  • Pray for Sanaz and her family to receive the message of the Bible and embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • Ask God to call skilled professionals—including therapists, surgeons, and other medical professionals—to help reach Muslims.
Editor’s Note

This account comes from a long-term Frontiers team. Names have been changed for security.

Main photo by DFID