More Bibles Needed • Frontiers USA

More Bibles Needed

God used a simple answer to prayer to win Nabil to Christ. Now He's using the Muslim-background believer to invite hundreds of people, even imams, to follow Jesus.
December 1, 2021 By Frontiers USA
Smiling Muslim man in cafe

I first met Nabil in the cafe we both frequented and discovered that he was open to the Gospel. I introduced him to the Bible and listened to his questions as he searched for the truth. Soon we began praying together.

One day, Nabil shared that his boss was putting unreasonable pressure on him, and he was stressed about his workload. So together we prayed about it.

Then two days later, Nabil gave me good news.

This answer to prayer allowed Nabil to experience God’s love and feel His care in a practical, personal way.

“My boss has been replaced,” he told me. “The first thing my new supervisor said is that I have too many responsibilities. He’s cutting my workload!”

This answer to prayer allowed Nabil to experience God’s love and feel His care in a practical, personal way.

For two years, I discipled Nabil and watched in wonder as He submitted his life to Jesus. We studied the Bible together and talked about how God is with us and how to apply His Word to our daily lives.

Nabil’s personal experiences made him a powerful witness for Christ.

At one point, he took part in several weeks of training for his job. He was the only follower of Jesus there.

The first week of the course, each trainee was asked to give a presentation about someone they considered to be a good leader. Most people chose to present on Muhammad or another Muslim leader. Nabil chose Jesus.

Some of his listeners berated Nabil for choosing to talk about Jesus instead of Muhammad.

When it was his turn to present, Nabil shared about what made Jesus a model leader.

Some of his listeners berated Nabil for choosing to talk about Jesus instead of Muhammad. But some classmates were intrigued by Jesus, and Nabil invited them to study the Bible with him at lunch to learn more about the life and teaching of the Messiah.

Before the start of the second week of the training course, I helped Nabil get several copies of the New Testament to give to his fellow trainees.

A few days later, he sent me a message. “I think I need more Bibles.”

Nabil showed up with a new friend he had led to Christ on the way to my house that very night.

Later that year, my team and I hosted a Christmas Eve party for our local friends. Nabil showed up with a new friend he had led to Christ on the way to my house that very night.

As part of our celebration of Jesus’ birthday, we read the account of His birth in Matthew.

The next day, Nabil and the other believers read the same Bible passage in their homes and with their Muslim families. Several of these families have since come to faith in Christ.

God used a simple, practical answer to prayer to win my friend Nabil to Christ. Now, Nabil and his fellow Muslim-background believers continue to lead many to Jesus, including three senior imams who are hosting Bible studies in their mosques.

The Gospel is spreading widely, and there are hundreds of believers in this emerging movement.

  • Praise God for Nabil’s faithful witness, which has helped hundreds of Muslims learn about Jesus.
  • Ask the Lord to draw even more families into the Kingdom.
  • Pray that Muslim-background believers will be filled with Christ’s joy and share the Gospel with boldness.
Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term Frontiers worker. Names have been changed for security.