Moving Toward the Center • Frontiers USA

Moving Toward the Center

Learn about Muslim men and women—like Abdullah and Ranya—who are moving closer to Jesus Christ.
March 13, 2019 By Frontiers USA
silhouette of a man moving toward the center

God is constantly drawing people toward Him. And in our ministry, we’re seeing more and more Muslim men and women turn toward Jesus and begin making Him the center of their lives. Here are some of their stories.

Before Zeina and I became friends, she had never met anyone from America. She thought all Americans behaved like Hollywood characters on television. Then, one day, I saw her in a coffee shop and introduced myself to her. As we talked, she learned that we have things in common. We both love our families and care about modesty. She also discovered that I treasure my relationship with Jesus Christ. She found this intriguing, and right then, Zeina’s heart began to turn a bit toward the center.

Zeina thought all Americans behaved like Hollywood characters on television.

Abdullah suffered from near constant shoulder pain. He asked for advice from James, a teammate with a background in physical therapy. James gave Abdullah a few stretches to do and then offered to pray for him. Abdullah accepted his prayer in Jesus’ name, and by the end of the day, he was moving his shoulder without any pain. He told his entire family. His father, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, asked Abdullah to invite James over to pray for him, too. James prayed, and the entire family listened as he went on to share stories of Jesus healing people. By the end of that visit, they had all moved closer to the center, Jesus Christ.

Ranya wanted to learn more about Jesus. She’d heard what other Muslims believe about Him. But she wanted to know what I think because she trusts me. I told her how Christ has worked in my life—how following Him has changed everything for me. She cried as she told me about the pain she’s experienced in her life. She longed to be free from it and experience the joy I described. We prayed together, asking Jesus to free her and heal the pain. As we said amen, she smiled. Now her spiritual eyes are a bit more fixed on Jesus.

Amina is intrigued by her husband’s transformation as he centers his life on Christ.

Samir is a Muslim-background believer whose marriage was struggling. My husband and I offered listening ears, shared Scripture, and encouraged him to ask God for ways he can love and serve his Muslim wife Amina. As we’ve prayed with Samir, he’s grown in patience and is working to better support his wife. Amina had heard the Gospel before. But now she’s intrigued by his transformation as he centers his life on Christ. She’s more open as he shares the Gospel, and she’s drawing closer to the center.

Please pray for these precious men and women as they discover how much the Savior longs for them to turn toward Him.

Prayer Points
  • Pray that Zeina’s curiosity about Christ grows into a deep hunger to know Him as Lord and Savior.
  • Thank God for healing Abdullah’s shoulder, and pray that his entire family embraces the Healer.
  • Ask God to continue drawing Ranya to Jesus, the only One who can free her from pain and give her joy.
  • Pray that Samir’s wife, Amina, puts her faith in Christ—and that they raise their family to follow Him.
Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.