New Believers Grieve With Grace • Frontiers USA

New Believers Grieve With Grace

Following the tragic death of their 4-year-old daughter, a Muslim-background family embraces the true power of Christ to heal hearts.
July 29, 2019 By Frontiers USA
Syrian father and boy

The four-year-old daughter of our friends, Samir and Ahlan, was hit and killed by a car as she and some other children crossed the street to buy snacks at a local shop.

That very evening, we spent hours with our sweet friends and their family members. We returned each of the following three days to comfort and pray for them and their relatives.

We’d never walked through such sorrow with our Muslim-background friends before. What touched us most about this experience was to see their growing faith in Jesus Christ, which has enabled them to grieve with grace.

We met Samir and Ahlan in 2017 when their little girl was still a toddler. They had just fled to our city after militants stormed their town, killing thousands in one day.

Shortly after meeting Samir and Ahlan, we started studying the Bible with them and several other displaced families. Since then, our families have met over countless glasses of tea, talking about Jesus and reading God’s Word. Both Samir and Ahlan are now followers of Christ. 

They knew that no amount of money—no matter how exorbitant—could bring their child back.

When someone here is killed by another’s actions, the family has two options: They can advocate for the accused to stay in prison, or they can have him released if he pays a $20,000 restitution.

Standing in the courtroom, Samir and Ahlan forgave the man who hit their daughter, and they asked the judge to release him. Not only that but when the accused’s family offered the $20,000 restitution, Samir and Ahlan graciously declined it, even though they lived in poverty. They knew that no amount of money—no matter how exorbitant—could bring their child back or fill the holes in their hearts.

After the proceedings, word spread throughout the city about their demonstration of mercy.

“Did you hear that they forgave the man?” people asked one another.

What a testimony to the power of Jesus Christ! Only the love of God can change hearts to respond with such grace.

  • Pray for Samir and Ahlan to know God’s comfort as they grieve the loss of their daughter.
  • Pray that Samir and Ahlan’s extended family will be drawn to Christ through this tragedy.
  • Pray that an extravagant act of forgiveness will touch many Muslims’ hearts and turn them to the One who has offered the ultimate forgiveness.
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Speaking another person’s language is a gift that opens hearts. Learn more from a Frontiers worker on leave from the field in the U.S.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.

Main photo by World Bank Collection