Off the Grid for the Grace of the Gospel • Frontiers USA

Off the Grid for the Grace of the Gospel

Despite the challenges of heat, illness, and a rustic off-the-grid lifestyle, a Frontiers family presses on to fulfill their calling.
July 5, 2021 By Frontiers USA
house in the Sahara

Living off the grid was not at the top of our list of reasons for moving to Sub-Saharan Africa. Nor was extreme heat and frequent illness. But that’s what we got when we moved to this dusty corner of the world nearly a decade ago.

So why did we come here? Because of Isaiah 61, the passage Jesus read in Luke 4.

When it came time to announce His mission in the world, Jesus did so in Nazareth, a nondescript community with seemingly little to offer the world. There in the synagogue, Jesus picked up Isaiah 61 and declared His life’s purpose:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor… to proclaim liberty to the captives… to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. — Luke 4:18–19

This reading from Isaiah 61 is what has motivated my wife and me to join in God’s great work of proclamation. About ten years ago, we moved to Sub-Saharan Africa, and since then, Isaiah 61 has been our mission and purpose.

The physical and human needs in our Muslim community are intense. Most families live hand to mouth, and there is no government infrastructure to help out. Many households that have above-average means bear the load of providing for struggling family members.

Most families live hand to mouth, and there is no government infrastructure to help out.

In the face of these harsh realities, we know that what we offer is too limited to bring about the multivariate changes needed in this community. Our efforts are too weak and our abilities too few. So often, we feel the vast depth of our powerlessness and inefficacy.

But “the arm of the Lord is not too short to save” (Isaiah 59:1, NIV). God’s Word promises that the devastated places around us will be rebuilt (Isaiah 61:4).

Throughout our years here, we’ve worked hard at learning the local language so we can proclaim the Good News. We’ve taught computer and English classes to serve, equip, and build relationships that allow us to proclaim freedom to those in bondage.

God’s Word promises that the devastated places around us will be rebuilt.

We’ve drilled wells in surrounding villages so that our beloved friends will experience the Lord’s favor through clean water.

Despite the many challenges of heat, illness, and a rustic off-the-grid lifestyle, we press on in our work.

And we’re not alone. The prayers and giving of people like you allows us to continue working here.

Please join us in praying that we will faithfully serve and proclaim Christ so that many Muslims will find His freedom.

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Every week, a Frontiers team drives to a remote desert village, where Bible stories are spreading before workers can even finish telling them.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.