The Only Answer • Frontiers USA

The Only Answer

When a conversation turns to the difficulties of life, a Muslim man discovers Jesus is the only answer for his troubles.
May 27 By Frontiers USA
Smiling African man

My wife and I strolled toward the front of the appliance store with Mohsen, the friendly salesman who’d helped us select the perfect refrigerator for our apartment. As we passed several aisles, Mohsen shared briefly that he had a challenging relationship with a family member.

When I gently suggested that he find ways to make peace instead of escalating the situation, he considered me carefully. “You’re very wise,” he said before excusing himself to make arrangements for our delivery later that day.

When he returned to the register, I had a video ready to play on my phone. “May I show you something?”

“Of course.” As he rang us up, we watched the story from Luke of John the Baptist answering people’s questions, then pointing them to the coming Messiah.

“He’s talking about Jesus,” I said. “Knowing Him can help us face all life’s troubles.”

“Really? Can I see more?” Mohsen glanced at his watch. “I could go with you to the next store and help you purchase everything on your list.”

My wife and I eagerly agreed, and we spent the next five hours shopping and watching more Bible stories with Mohsen. When it was time to head home and await our deliveries, I invited Mohsen to join us.

When I told them about God’s love and why He sent Jesus, Mohsen and his friends were speechless.

Once we arrived and settled in with a cup of tea, Moshen’s eyes returned to my phone and remained glued to the screen for a long time. His heart seemed wide open as he listened intently. At the end of the evening, he even joined my wife and me in singing a worship song to Jesus.

A few days later, Mohsen asked me to have lunch with him and a couple co-workers. As we ate, I spotted the numbers 316 on a box and asked if I could share John 3:16 with them.

When I told them about God’s love and why He sent Jesus, Mohsen and his friends were speechless for a moment. Then suddenly everyone spoke over each other, asking questions and wanting more information. I spent the next hour sharing passages from God’s Word.

Before heading home, I asked if anyone needed prayer.

Mohsen nodded. “My daughter has fallen ill. Please pray for her.” He ducked his head, almost as though he was embarrassed to add, “I also broke my phone this morning but can’t afford a replacement. I won’t be able to watch the videos you sent me.”

“I didn’t think God would work so quickly!”

I encouraged him that God cared about even the small things, and we prayed together in Jesus’ name. When I got home, my wife and I spent more time interceding for Mohsen.

About a week later, he came over to visit again, excited to share how he’d received answers to his prayers.

“It’s only been a few days. I didn’t think God would work so quickly!” Mohsen shook his head in amazement. “My daughter suddenly recovered, and I was able to get a new phone. Now I can watch more stories about Jesus.”

We praised God together, then Mohsen shared more about his personal struggles. Soon, our conversation shifted to the poverty, pain, and suffering we saw all around us.

As long as they continue asking questions, I believe they will discover that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

After I shared several passages of scripture, Mohsen smiled. “Your Jesus speaks and acts differently than any person I’ve ever heard of. He really might be the answer the world needs!”

There wasn’t a doubt in my mind.

Since that day, Mohsen has asked me to teach him and his coworkers more about Jesus and the Bible, and I cannot wait to do so.

As long as they continue asking questions, I believe they will discover that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Whatever the problem, He really is the only answer.


  • Pray that Muslims like Mohsen and his co-workers will grow in excitement about the Good News and will commit to learning more.
  • Ask God to continue to connect Frontiers workers with Muslims who are open to the Gospel.
  • Pray that more Muslims will discover that Jesus is the only answer to the struggles they face.
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Neima’s quest for truth leads her to discover impossible love.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.