Now Our Faith Is Real • Frontiers USA

Now Our Faith Is Real

Through a miraculous healing, Hakim and his family discovered Christ. Now hundreds of Muslims are responding to their Gospel witness.
December 31, 2018 By Frontiers USA
A Syrian man plays with his daughter.

Hakim, Naima, and their children spent three months trapped in their home during a blockade on their city in Syria. They nearly starved to death, surviving on twigs and grass. Their oldest son was killed during the worst of the violence.

They escaped to a neighboring country—half-starved, empty-handed, and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

During this time, my teammates and I felt God calling us to move to a city on the border of the Middle Eastern country where we lived. He wanted us to serve the refugees fleeing across from Syria.

We met Hakim and his family when we were helping distribute gifts of clothing and food. As we continued visiting them, they opened up and allowed us to walk with them through their grief. They welcomed our prayers in Jesus’ name and eagerly accepted our invitation to read God’s Word together.

They nearly starved to death, surviving on twigs and grass.

For six months, teammates and I met with the family every week to study the Bible and pray. Hakim and Naima were hungry to discover God in truth and experience Him in spirit.

One of their boys, Rayan, had had leukemia since he was six. Now a teenager, Rayan looked emaciated and weak. During our visits, we often spent time praying for Rayan’s healing.

One day, we accompanied the family to the hospital so Rayan could have some testing done. On the way there, Hakim said, “I’m feeling really optimistic. I feel like God has healed my son.”

“What makes you think that?” I asked him.

“The last time we prayed for him,” he said, “I saw this bright light around him and heard a voice say, ‘You son is healed.’”

At the hospital, Rayan had a full-body CAT scan done along with some other tests. Later that day, the doctor called. “The tests came back negative,” he told Hakim. “There’s no leukemia in your son’s body.”

“I heard a voice say, ‘Your son is healed.’”

Hakim started singing and yelling and praising God. Rayan could hardly believe it. He now had hope for a future. “I’ll get married some day!” he said. “I can have a family!”

“Hakim,” I said, “you know what this means, right?”

“Yes,” he nodded, beaming. “This means we tell everyone.”

Hakim and Naima began sharing with their neighbors and friends how Jesus had healed Rayan. The news spread in no time.

Shortly after this, Hakim pulled me aside after one of our times of fellowship.

“We love spending time with you,” he said. “We have loved studying God’s Word with you. But now our faith is our own and is very real to us. Jesus Christ healed our son. Now we know that what we’ve read about Him is true!”

The Gospel has now spread from this one family to over 300 people meeting in small groups to study the Word. Over half of these men and women are already in the Kingdom, and God keeps multiplying their number.

Praise God for thousands of people in Muslim communities who are hearing the Gospel and responding to the message of Jesus Christ!

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Until a few years ago, there were no known efforts to reach Naheed’s people with the Gospel.

Now Naheed herself is helping lead the effort.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.

Main photo from World Bank Photo Collection