Outnumbered Not Outmatched • Frontiers USA

Outnumbered Not Outmatched

While on a trip to a neighboring country, one Frontiers field worker battles discouragement, but is soon reminded that Christ has the victory.
May 20 By Frontiers USA
Busy Mosque

I waited outside a small shop overflowing with trinkets as my friend and Frontiers teammate purchased a souvenir. We were halfway through a visit to a neighboring country in the Middle East, but instead of buying mementos I was busy trying to make sense of everything I’d seen in this city.

Everywhere I looked, I saw glamourous and majestic sites, but they all sat shrouded in spiritual darkness. The people were inviting and kind, but I had yet to meet a follower of Jesus.

I didn’t understand why God wasn’t making Himself more known to the lost. I hadn’t seen any sign of miraculous healings or heard about supernatural visions. The nations were gathered here, but where were the workers for the harvest?  

There was still much spiritual ground to cover.

I picked up a postcard featuring a nearby mosque, remembering how crowded it had been when we walked by the day before. As I studied the picture, I sighed. “Lord, I don’t see You working here. Why aren’t You claiming this land for Your kingdom?”

A detail in the picture caught my eye—a placard engraved with the year the mosque had first opened centuries before. Suddenly, I sensed the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart.

I was standing in a place that had gone without the hope of the Gospel for hundreds of years. The country had only opened its borders to non-Muslims a few years before.

That was progress—maybe even a miracle—though there was still much spiritual ground to cover. Instead of being overwhelmed by circumstances, I needed to use my greatest tool—prayer.

A moment later my teammate appeared at my side with her bag full of goodies. “Are you going to buy that?” she asked.

I replaced the card on the rack and shook my head. “I have a better idea. Let’s go.”

I led the way across the street, then around the corner. Crowds of people walked toward the mosque, gathering for the mid-day prayer. I could have easily become discouraged again. There were only two of us and such a large crowd all headed inside, but instead of retreating, we marched forward.

I knew Christ would have the victory.

We walked around the perimeter of the mosque and prayed for the people inside. As we did, Old Testament stories flooded my mind.

God reminded me of how often He had displayed His power in situations that appeared bleak. He brought down the walls of Jericho. He defeated a Midianite army of thousands using only Gideon and 300 Israelites.

With my fingers skimming the stones of the outer wall, I prayed that Jesus would transform the spiritual landscape and overcome the darkness with His marvelous light. It seemed impossible to me, but I knew Christ would have the victory.

God’s people are used to being outnumbered, but they are never outmatched.

Because I know God is with me, I will remain faithful to the calling He has placed on my life. I will go to the ends of the earth and tell of the Lord’s goodness and grace. I will sow seeds where I am and pray earnestly for Jesus to draw Muslims to Himself. The rest is up to Him.


  • Lift up Frontiers field workers as they fight discouragement in spiritually dark places.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to raise up and call laborers to the least-reached people groups of the Muslim world.
  • Praise God that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord!
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A Frontiers field worker family dreamed of reaching Muslims in Africa, but they weren’t sure they could survive even one night.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.