Overflowing Peace • Frontiers USA

Overflowing Peace

Husain’s struggle to grasp the concept of the Trinity was the only thing that held him back from following Jesus.
May 2, 2023 By Frontiers USA
Smiling Asian Man

Tony had met with Husain, a young Muslim man in a region with some of the hardest spiritual ground in the world, several times. But the younger man always seemed to have questions and excuses why he couldn’t follow Jesus.

Dissatisfied with Islam, Husain had contacted a Christian television network for information about the Bible. His phone number was passed to Tony, a long-term Frontiers field worker, who called and scheduled a time for them to meet.

Over the next few weeks, Tony and Husain met often to discuss faith and religion. As they read God’s Word together, Tony answered his many questions about Jesus and the Injil.  But every time Tony thought Husain might be close to choosing to follow Jesus, he’d present another reason why he couldn’t.

Tony began to fear that Husain’s heart was too hardened to grow the spiritual seeds that had been sown.

Tony wasn’t surprised that Husain struggled to wrap his mind around the idea of the Trinity.

One night Husain invited Tony to his house and began asking even more questions.

“I understand a lot of what the Bible says, and I believe there is truth in it,” he said. “But I don’t understand the Trinity. How can there be multiple gods?”

Many Muslims had difficulty understanding how Christians can believe Jesus is God while also believing that the Father and the Holy Spirit are also God, so Tony wasn’t surprised that Husain struggled to wrap his mind around the idea of the Trinity.

Tony did his best to explain the complex concept but worried that his words would fall short.

Suddenly Husain smiled. “I think I understand! It is like my ceiling fan.” He looked up at the three-bladed fan suspended above them. “There are three blades, but it is still only one fan. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father are all part of God.”

While Husain’s conclusion about the nature of the Trinity wasn’t theologically perfect, Tony was encouraged that his friend had begun to understand.

“Now that you believe the Trinity is possible, what do you think about Jesus?” Tony asked.

Husain’s eyes filled with tears. “I want to be a disciple of His,” he said.

“I want to know more about Jesus! I am so thirsty for truth. And I want my friends to know this joy too.”

As the ceiling fan rotated slowly above them, the two men discussed what it meant to follow Jesus, and Tony praised God for preparing Husain’s heart to accept the Truth.

“This peace inside me is so incredible,” Husain said as the conversation concluded. “It’s like morphine all over my body! I have to tell my friends. What if I could get five people to be as happy as I am right now?”

The next time they met, Husain shared about a dream he’d had. He was in a room filled with friends, and everyone was very sad.

Then a man in white entered the room. He looked around, walked over to Husain, and took his hand.

“He touched my head—and peace filled my whole body. Suddenly, we were the only ones in the room. We just sat there together in silence, and I was so happy.” Husain smiled. “I want to know more about Jesus! I am so thirsty for truth. And I want my friends to know this joy too.”

Praise God for moving in new ways, drawing Muslims—like Husain—to Himself in even the most difficult places.


  • Pray that others like Husain will continue to grow in their understanding of God.
  • Praise God for sending Muslims dreams and visions that reveal who Jesus is.
  • Ask the Lord to continue working in the hearts of Muslim men and women in Husain’s difficult region.
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A rideshare driver witnesses the power of Jesus’ name when his car is fixed through the prayer of a Frontiers field worker.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.