The Path to Fields of Praise • Frontiers USA

The Path to Fields of Praise

While picnicking in a remote tea field in Southeast Asia, Justin and his teammates met a Muslim man whom God rescued from death and miraculously led to their team.
December 10, 2018 By Frontiers USA

Thunder rumbled as Officer Iman sat down in his living room. His young daughter crawled into his wife’s lap, whimpering at the sound of the storm crossing over the hills toward the small military base where they lived. Just as he did every evening, Iman picked up his shortwave radio to check in with those on duty on the other side of the base.

Suddenly, a jolt of white flashed against the radio and threw Iman across the room. The next thing he saw was his own lifeless body below him as he floated away through the roof.

Fortunately, the lightning strike didn’t kill him. But according to his family, it was a long time before he came to, even though they slapped his face and tried to force open his eyes.

Suddenly, a jolt of white flashed against the radio and threw Iman across the room.

As the storm passed, Iman lay still, pain throbbing in his right arm and shoulder. He should have remembered the advice he’d heard about not holding a shortwave radio during storms.

“What have I done to deserve such a fate?” Iman cried out. “How have I displeased God?” He was a confident and composed man, and he’d always tried to be a good Muslim. But surviving a lightning strike in his own home deeply unsettled him. “God, what do You want from me?” he prayed.

No answer came to him right then. But two days later, as he drove his motorcycle through the hills, he felt something turning him off the main road and onto a narrow track that led him between tea fields. The rain clouds opened, and the fields sparkled clean under the bright sun.

“What have I done to deserve such a fate?”

Then, in a small clearing just off the track, he came across a strange scene: a group of foreigners singing under the shelter of a plastic tarp.

Something about the people seemed familiar. It was as if he recognized them, although he didn’t know how. “I’m supposed to meet these people,” he said to himself. He parked his motorcycle and joined the group under the shelter.

The Frontiers team members worshiping under the tarp, however, weren’t so sure about meeting a military officer with a pistol strapped to his side. In Muslim countries like this one, government officials didn’t show up at believers’ gatherings by accident.

“I’m supposed to meet these people,” he said to himself.

Justin, the team leader who had served in the country for 16 years, figured this wouldn’t end well. Nevertheless, he shook hands with Iman and welcomed him to join their picnic.

Iman quickly opened up. He shared about problems he was facing in his family. He was married and had three children. But a couple months prior, he had decided to take a second wife. Having more than one wife is common in some Muslim communities. In his country, however, military men are allowed only one wife.

“I’ll have to choose between my career and my new wife,” he said. He had served over 25 years in the military and was a ranking officer. Giving up his status would come at great social and material cost. Iman asked Justin and the others what they thought about his situation and asked if they had any wisdom to offer.

“I’ll have to choose between my career and my new wife.”

“I’m not sure we can help you know what to do,” said Michael, another teammate. “But we’re quite confident that God can.”

They offered to pray for Iman, right then and there. He accepted, and as soon as they finished praying, Iman began asking questions. “How do I find peace in this life? Is there a way to be forgiven for my sins?”

“Let me tell you about Al Masih,” Justin said. “Do you know who the Sent One is?” Like many Muslims in his country, Iman didn’t.

“In Arabic, Al Masih refers to Jesus, the Sent One,” Justin said. He explained that God’s anointed King is Jesus, and only Jesus can offer forgiveness and show the way to eternal salvation.

“On the final day,” Justin continued, “when God’s Kingdom is established on earth as it is in heaven, Jesus Christ will be the King. And He invites us to enter His Kingdom before that final day. That means we can enjoy being with Him, free from our sins, today—and forever.”

“So how do I enter His Kingdom?” Iman asked.

“Is there a way to be forgiven for my sins?”

Justin suggested that they ask God together. As they prayed, tears streamed down Iman’s face. He couldn’t hide the work Jesus was doing in his heart. Offering a beautiful and simple prayer, he welcomed Jesus as King in his life. And for the first time in his life, Iman felt true peace—the peace of Christ dwelling inside him.

Justin now meets with Iman every week to pray and study the Word together. Iman is also helping others encounter the Savior and King, Jesus Christ. He tells people how God preserved his life during the lightning storm and boldly shares the Gospel. Several of his friends and colleagues have since become followers of Jesus.

Recently, Justin introduced Iman to Rasul, another Muslim background believer who has studied law. Rasul is helping Iman understand what the Word of God and the local laws have to say about career and marriage. With Justin and Rasul’s encouragement, Iman is learning to bring his entire life in line with the ways of Jesus.

Prayer Points
  • Praise God for Iman’s faith and his bold witness!
  • Pray that Iman will grow in his love for Jesus, knowledge of the Word, and joyful obedience.
  • Ask the Lord to draw more Muslim men and women in every land to the King and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term field worker. Names have been changed for security.