We live in a strange already-and-not-yet reality.
Jesus Christ has already triumphed over death and ushered in God’s Kingdom.
But in these days, we are acutely aware of the not-yet aspect of the Kingdom. Each of us lives with both feet in this world, and we experience together with the rest of mankind the brokenness and suffering of a fallen creation—of viruses, pandemics, cancers, severe weather events, and natural disasters.
The not-yet reality of God’s Kingdom urges us as its citizens to reach all nations through prayer, proclamation of the Gospel, and practical acts of love.
We experience together with the rest of mankind the brokenness and suffering of a fallen creation.
Right now, Frontiers workers across the world are finding tangible ways to love Muslims in the name of Jesus Christ. Some teams have joined with local authorities and government leaders to fight the spread of the coronavirus.
A team in one Muslim country recently shared how God is giving them extraordinary opportunities to support the nation’s public health efforts. Team members are providing COVID-19 training to medical professionals, helping manufacture low-cost ventilators, distributing food to families in poverty, and more. You can read their exciting story and find ways to pray.
Many other Frontiers teams are leveraging media and technology to reach Muslims with the greatest message in history. This message of Jesus Christ can travel faster and wider than ever before. As Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 2:9, the Word of God is not bound by chains!
Frontiers teams will continue to respond with faith, find the edges of the Kingdom, and proclaim the unchained Gospel.
Whatever the new normal may be and whenever it will come, Frontiers teams will continue to respond with faith, find the edges of the Kingdom, and proclaim the unchained Gospel to those who have yet to hear it.
Thank you for your steadfast partnership. Your faithful support helps equip more teams to bless Muslims and reach them with the greatest message in history.
In the midst of this pandemic, may God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Discover how God is giving a Frontiers team in a Muslim country extraordinary opportunities to help contain the spread of the coronavirus.