A Quiet Man With an Important Word • Frontiers USA

A Quiet Man With an Important Word

Hashem doesn’t like to talk much. But when he decides to speak, he shares about the miracle Jesus has done for him.
October 5, 2020 By Frontiers USA
portrait of a young man

Hashem doesn’t like to talk much—until he’s got an important word to share.

He works as a migrant day laborer in a large Middle Eastern city.

Hashem’s boss provides housing for him and his coworkers. But to keep costs down, his employer puts them up in a rough neighborhoood. Drug abuse, homelessness, and prostitution are widespread in this part of town.

Desperate for freedom, he found a Christian ministry and asked for help.

For some time, Hashem had felt spiritually tormented by something dark. Desperate for freedom, he found a Christian ministry and asked for help. The people at the ministry connected him with Andy and Rick, two Frontiers workers.

Andy and Rick shared the message of Jesus with Hashem. Eager to learn more, Hashem started meeting with them to read the Bible and pray together.

During one of their times of prayer, as Hashem sat with his eyes closed, Jesus appeared to him. The Savior embraced him, and Hashem had a strange sensation of something flying out of his head.

All the darkness was gone, and he no longer felt troubled by evil.

When he opened his eyes, he felt free. All the darkness was gone, and he no longer felt troubled by evil.

Since then, Andy and Rick have continued meeting with Hashem for encouragement, Bible study, and prayer.

Hashem is still a quiet man. He still doesn’t care to talk much.

But when he does speak, he shares about how Christ has set him free.

Recently Hashem read the first chapter of Mark, which describes how the news about Jesus spread as He freed a man from evil spirits (Mark 1:21–28).

“That’s exactly what’s happening now,” Hashem says.

As Hashem shares his testimony of deliverance in Jesus’ name, the Good News is reaching his family, friends, and coworkers.

  • Praise God for setting Hashem free, and pray he grows in faith and bold witness.
  • Pray that Muslims will cry out to Jesus for deliverance—and find freedom in His name.
  • Ask God to give Frontiers workers open doors to pray for healing and to share the Word with power.
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A Frontiers field worker discovers how the challenges of language learning can also create opportunities to share about Jesus.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.

Main photo by Adam Cohn